Word of the Week - Good Soil
“Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew, and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty and some a hundred times” Mark 4:8.
The principal of Sowing and Reaping is one of key truths of life both on earth from a practical sense and in heaven from a spiritual sense. Whether we like it or not, over the course of time, we will Reap what we Sow. Just like many of God’s principals within His economy, this is a wonderful truth that can really be a blessing if we understand it and align our lives accordingly.
Are we Sowing Good Seed into Good Soil - If you have lived any amount of life, you have a general understanding of how this works. If we Sow good seeds that are life giving, we will generally Reap good fruit, like for like. Of course life is not perfect and there are times when we may be Sowing good seed into bad soil or Sowing during seasons of drought that prevent the seed from sprouting and taking root. We cannot control the outcome, but we surely can resolve to continually be Sowing good seeds and look for good soil to Sow into. Since we only are given a limited amount of seed (time, resources, wisdom, influence, etc.), we need to make it our goal to find good fertile soil to sow our seed into. This is the opportunity we have each day, and over time, the sum of our Sowing is what results in the fruit of our lives.
3 Attributes of Good Soil – I read this morning in Church of the Highlands One Year Bible Devotional by Larry Stockstill https://www.churchofthehighlands.com/bible. In this scripture Paul is referring to the concept of training up the next generation to carry forward the mantle of leadership to continue to share the good news and expand God’s Kingdom. In doing so he outlines 3 key virtues to look for as we are discerning if those we are investing in are “Good Soil”.
A Soldier who Endures Hardships – A faithful person is like a soldier, who will endure hardships as part of his calling. Good soldiers do not get involved in things that distract them from following their commanders; no matter what, they maintain their focus. In order to stay faithful to Jesus, our focus must be on fighting the battle of faith with Him, not getting distracted by pursing the things of this world. “No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer” 2 Timothy 2:4
An Athlete who Lives Pure – A faithful person is similar to an athlete who trains hard, maintains discipline, and follows the rules. The image of the athlete reflects the need for character in the life of the Christian. Only those who live pure lives with self-control and constraint will be qualified to lead and reproduce. “Similarly, anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor’s crown except by competing according to the rules” 2 Timothy 2:5
A Farmer who is Diligent, Patient and Hardworking - The last image of a faithful person is that of a farm who is diligent, patient and hardworking. The seeds they sow into the soil will gradually grow into crops. If the farmer wants to reap a harvest, he must work the ground, pray for rain, and not grow impatient. Similarly, we must be patient with our growth ant that of others in the Lord. Patiently we must wait for the harvest of Spiritual Growth. “The hardworking farmer should be first to receive a share of the crops”. 2 Timothy 2:6
Let’s be good soil and look for good soil to sow into – Its starts with us becoming good soil that God can use to reproduce. Do we have these attributes present in our own lives. Are we living lives prioritized and focused on what matters most or are we distracted by the things of this world? Are we living pure and holy lives are allowing ourselves to be exposed to things that are not pure? Finally, are we diligently and patiently sowing seed on a consistent basis and looking for good soil to sow into. The greatest opportunity we all have every day is to sow into others by using what God has given us to be a blessing to others. “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life”. 1 Timothy 6:19
Remember this: Whoever sows spraining will also reap sparingly, and whoever Sows generously will also Reap generously. 2 Corinthians 9:6
So, let’s be Good Soil, identify Good Soil, and Sow seed generously!!!!!!!!!!