Word Of The Week


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Katie Burns Katie Burns

Word of the Week - First Fruits

“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the First fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.” - Revelation 21:5

In follow up to my “Word of the Week” from last week on “Everything New in 2025” see below for reference, I want to share what I believe to be one of the biggest opportunities we have followers of Christ in the new year!  Putting God First – “First Fruits”

I love the principle of First Fruits because it is so clear and easy to understand.  There are many things about God and our walk of faith that are mystical, and often times hard to understand and know how to apply to day-to-day life. 

The principal of First Fruits is very straightforward, God simply wants to be the priority in our lives.  He desires us to honor Him by giving Him our First and best.  He loves us so much that He is jealous for our love and attention and does not want to compete for the top position in our lives.  He will not settle for second.  This concept is emphasized throughout scripture beginning with the 1st Commandment that states “You shall have no other gods before me”, He simply wants us to put Him First above all things.  With divine order comes diving blessing, this is God’s economy.  So other than His will for us, why should we put God first in our lives and make Him our First Fruits?

Because He is our Creator and the God of the universe, not to mention our eternal Savior, our Provider, our Healer, our Righteousness, our Victory…..Based on this reality, He truly deserves our “first and best” and to be revered and honored for who He really is and the authority and power He possesses.  I personally love this principal of First Fruits because it is a tangible way to love and honor the Lord.  This principal not only pertains to our money/resources, which often reflects the truth of our heart towards God, but to every aspect of our lives, He desires the first in every aspect of our lives including: our time, our thoughts, and our pursuits.  He wants to be the first in our day, week, month, and year.  For God, order is the priority over quality and quantity.  There is amazing power, both blessings and protection, in the simple daily act of placing God First.  

Because there is truly a blessing in putting God First (First Fruits).  I started truly walking out the principle of First Fruits about 20 years ago when Bruce Johnston (Founder of JH Ranch) personally challenged me in this area.  It has been life changing for me and my family!!  Up until that time, God was at the top of my list but not always “First”.  I can honestly say that since I began practicing “First Fruits” by prioritizing God as the “First” priority in my life, I have truly lived in abundance in most every area of my life to include my finances, family, ministry, business, and relationships.  It does not mean that everything has been perfect, and I don’t have problems or challenges, but my barns are overflowing and I am rich in God, relationships and resources that give me the capacity to work through and overcome the big challenges in my life. 

Callenge/Reflection:  How are you putting God First in your life?  Aer you prioritizing Jesus by making Him the first focus of your time, energy, giving, thoughts etc? One of the best ways to do this is evaluate time (day, week, year), your finances/giving, your energy, your relationships etc. and honestly assess if you are giving your first and best to Jesus!!

As we begin 2025, I encourage you to test the Lord in the principal of First Fruits.  Put the Lord First and watch your time and resources multiply and overflow.  “Seek “First” the Kingdom and His righteousness and just see what all things will be added unto you” in this New Year!   Matthew 6:33.

Check out this short but powerful video by actor Denzel Washington on “Putting God First” https://youtu.be/8xPftFQNGbc?si=Wnc5POMMor9Xr9AR

Our Salvation is a free gift available to everyone who is willing to repent and receive the gift, but God’s blessings while here on earth typically come with a price to receive the promise.  If you abide, seek, honor….you will receive the abundant blessings!!!!

I pray God’s abundant blessings over you, your family, and your business in 2025. 

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Katie Burns Katie Burns

Word of the Week - “Everything New” in 2025

"He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!”  Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true” - Revelation 21:5

As we begin 2025, we have the opportunity to start fresh and begin a “New” chapter of our lives, especially in our walk of faith.  I love this about God and our faith as Christians; as foundational as God is in the fact that He has been around since the beginning of time, He is the same today as He was in the beginning, but He is a God who loves to make everything New.  He desires for us to be born anew in His spirit so that we can experience the abundant life He promises us.  He also desires for us to be renewed and refreshed so we can continue to experience the fresh life of God and have the capacity to minister this hope to others.  In the Spirit of God there is always life and Newness and He calls us to pursue New things in Christ so we can flourish and rejoice in this truth.   

New Life in Christ, “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 The New life in Christ, which is the abundant life that He speaks about in John 10:10, comes to us when we surrender our hearts and lives to Christ and are born afresh of His spirit.  In order to experience the New things of God, we have to get ourselves out of the way and allow Him to do His work in each of us.  This is where salvation and New life begins, and we literally become New in Christ.  I experienced this at the age of 33 and literally it changed the way I see God, myself, and the world; I have not been the same since.  I was given a New identity in Christ, and it awakened in me a New perspective that has truly been the biggest blessing of my life and made me a New person with New priorities, values, interest, disciplines, hopes, and dreams.

New daily perspective, disciplines and rhythms,Therefore we do not lose heart.  Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-17  The truth is that no matter how much we love God, life has a way of taking a toll on us as the years pass and we experience the challenges, pain and disappointments that we will all experience since we live in a fallen and broken sin filled world.  According to this passage in God’s word, the key to living a healthy life is that we allow God to renew us each day by connecting to the vine of Christ (John 15:5), which provides the sustenance that we need to stay strong and faithful within our inner spirit man.  This is what gives us the strength to press on through the challenges of life with strength, faith, and hope in love.  To maintain a healthy perspective, we must have daily disciplines and rhythms that keep us in connection with the Lord.  Investing focused time each day with the Lord by receiving guidance and instruction from Him (reading His word), telling Him how much we love Him while gaining love and encouragement from Him (praise and worship), and talking with Him about life and our challenges (prayer).  These are some of the basic disciplines and rhythms of our faith that are key to having intimacy with the Lord and experiencing New things in Christ.

As we begin this New Year, I pray we will take inventory and make adjustments to our lives so we can experience the Newness and Goodness of God.  My friend John Maxwell says “You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily.  The secret to your success is found in your daily routine”  Like any relationship, our relationship with the Lord is something that requires daily focus and attention.  Since it is the most important relationship in our lives, I would submit that it requires the most focus and attention. 

I pray you experience God in a New and Fresh way in 2025…

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Katie Burns Katie Burns

Word of the Week - Marriage

“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” - Ephesians 5:31

I hope you and your family had a blessed Christmas and are enjoying some quality time together during this holiday season as we prepare to bring in the New Year!!

Amy and I are away on a short trip celebrating our 34th wedding anniversary.  Yesterday for our anniversary, we enjoyed a nice evening together in front of the fireplace reflecting over our 34 years of marriage and the good work that God has done in each of us through our marriage.  We are still growing and maturing in our relationship with the Lord and one another but have come a long way over the years and we find ourselves in a great and exciting place.  As I have shared in the past and Amy would agree, being in a marriage relationship for 34 years has been the single most challenging and rewarding thing of our lives.  There have been some extremely challenging seasons in our marriage journey along with many periods of joy and fulfillment.  As we reflect on our years together, we are most thankful that we stayed committed to one another and persevered through the difficult seasons.  Like most things in life much of the reward/harvest comes after long seasons of planting and plowing.  God’s principle of sowing and reaping is a reality in most areas of life including marriage and family.  We are grateful that at this stage of life we are reaping blessings with 3 amazing godly daughters, 2 awesome sons by marriage and 8 beautiful grandchildren that are truly the joy of our lives.  Our relationship is better than it has ever been, truly by the sanctifying grace of Jesus at work in us and our marriage.  We are dreaming about the future and excited as we move into our 35th year of marriage. We believe that our best years are ahead and can’t wait to see what God has in store for us and our family. This time of celebration and reflection reminded me of the purpose and power of the sacrament of Marriage some of which I have outlined below:

The sacrament of Marriage is a beautiful gift from God; whereby one man and one woman become united as one through the sacrament of holy matrimony.  For followers of Christ, this union is the only life-long covenant relationship before God (spirit) and man (law).  God established the sacrament of marriage to mirror Christs relationship with His bride, us the Church.  “Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory!  For the wedding of the lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready.  Fine linen, bright and clean, was given to her to wear.” (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God’s holy people.) Revelation 19:7-8

Our most refining relationship – The marriage relationship has many benefits and has the potential to produce our greatest blessings in life such as children/family, deep companionship and unconditional love.  It also has the potential to produce the most pain and strife if not submitted to the Lordship of Christ.  Since it is a God ordained covenant relationship, when we get married we are signing up for a lifetime commitment (covenant) regardless of the circumstances that life throws at us, “until death do us part”.  This is pretty intense when you really stop to think about it.  I am not sure I really understood this on my wedding day.  There is no doubt that God knew exactly what He was doing when He instituted the sacrament of Marriage, where two people from different families of origin come together to become one, which in itself can be a major challenge.  No matter how much we love our spouse, there is always going to be friction as we die to ourselves to become one, and navigate the blessings and challenges of life.  This is truly a refining and sanctifying process that either breaks us, or if we allow the spirit of God to work in us, it helps us conform to the image of Christ.  I can honestly say that after 34 years of marriage, there is nothing on earth that has challenged and refined me as much as my marriage relationship with my wife Amy.  I know that God has used my marriage to make me a better person in every area of my life, thank you Lord Jesus!!!!  Ephesians 5 is one of the most beautiful books in the bible as it describes our relationship with Christ in the context of the marriage relationship; “and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:2. Paul goes on in Ephesians 5 to give us instructions on our roles in the marriage, first and foremost that we die to ourselves by submitting to Christ and one another, “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” Ephesians 5:21.  Specific instruction for wives “Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything” Ephesians 5:24, then to husbands, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.” Ephesians 5:25  I think the Lord makes it pretty straightforward for us but are we willing to trust Him by His word?

Marriage prepares us for our eternal union with Christ  - God is so good that He designed marriage for our benefit to enjoy the beautiful blessing of covenant companionship and the process of reproducing and building our families so we can have a heritage and legacy that we can pass to future generations, which is a wonderful blessing.  That being said, I think His greatest purpose in the sacrament of Marriage is to prepare us for our union with Him as the bride of Christ.  He gave us a tangible way to experience a small glimpse of what we have to look forward to for eternity and to help prepare us for our great wedding banquet with Christ.  I have found over the years of marriage that the most important key to having a good marriage is to stay connected to your spouse.  This requires intentional daily pursuit, we have to continue to put logs on the fire to keep the fire burning strong.  In other words, we have to make our spouses a top priority to keep a healthy and growing relationship.  Our marriage begins with a great ceremony exchanging vows before God and man but only thrives if we stay connected over a lifetime, which is easier said than done.  I believe our marriage relationship resembles our walk with God through our relationship with Jesus.  It begins with the day we surrender our hearts to Jesus and commit our lives to Christ, but it only survives and thrives if we stay connected to the vine of Christ through our daily abiding walk with Him. In fact Jesus said we can do nothing of the Spirit unless we are connected to the vine of Christ.   “I am the vine and you are the branch, if you abide in me I will abide in you, and you will bare much fruit.  Apart from me you can do nothing.”  John 15:5

As we grow in marriage and unity with our spouse we must depend upon God to give us what is needed to become a godly spouse and as we abide/connect with Christ, we become more Christ like in preparation for our eternal union with Christ.  These things work together to help us become who God called us to be in Him.  What an amazing God we serve.

Married Couples Ministry - God is so good that He often uses the areas of our struggle as our opportunity for ministry to others.  Amy and I are stepping into this by co-hosting a marriage enrichment event as an extension of Heritage Forum.  The next Heritage Married Couples event is scheduled for February 25-27th at the beautiful Pursell Farms.  You can learn more by visiting Heritage Married Couples Retreat.  We have limited space but still have a few spots open.  If you are interested in learning more, please email me and I will get you more details about registration.

I pray blessings over your marriage and family as we close out 2024 and look forward to the New Year!!!!

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Katie Burns Katie Burns

Word of the Week - Love (Christmas Message)

“A new command I give you:  Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” - John 13:34-35

As I was reflecting this past week during my year-end solo and this morning during my abiding time with the Lord, I realized that I have been in a place of frustration that is hindering my ability to Love others well, especially those closest to me.  As I was praying to understand the root of my discontentment, I realized it is mostly rooted in my desire to perform and achieve.  As a type-A kingdom leader, I feel compelled to grow and be stretched and to encourage those around me to do the same.  This is a good thing to the extent it is tempered by the Holy Spirit, and I am living with contentment in Christ and not striving in my fleshly ambitions.  I have found this to be a delicate balance that can easily get skewed. This morning as I compose this message and prepare for a family gathering to celebrate Christmas, I have a repentant heart and pray the Holy Spirit would allow me to surrender once again to whatever drives me this way.  I pray especially during this Christmas season that I can receive the fullness of God’s love and grace, so I can have the capacity to Love those around me like Christ loves me!

Love like Jesus:  The longer I live, the more I realize that Love is the most important aspect of life.  At the end of the day, when it is all said and done, what will matter most is how well we loved God and others while we were here on earth.  So, what does Love really look like in our day to day lives?  I would submit that Jesus is the best model of love in all of history, and as followers of Jesus, we can learn how to Love by knowing and pursuing Jesus.  Jesus is love.  Our goal as believers should be to conform to the image of Jesus by being faithful and obedient to God.  Jesus was pure in every way, and He loved selflessly and commanded us His disciples to love the same way He loves us. 

Love is defined in 1 Corinthians 13 as “Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.  Love never fails.”  Wow, what a high bar that Jesus sets for us.  I pray I can Love like this by the power of the Holy Spirit at work within me!!!!

My main goal during this Christmas season is to Love like Jesus as defined in 1 Corinthians 13 above.  I encourage you to consider joining me in this heartfelt pursuit.  It may be the best Christmas ever!!!!

And now these three things remain: faith, hope and Love.  But the greatest of these is LOVE!!!!! 1 Corinthians 13:13

I love you and pray that you and your family have a blessed Christmas and Holiday filled with the Love of Christ!!!!!

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Katie Burns Katie Burns

Word of the Week - Solitude and Reflection (Solo Retreats)

“After Jesus had dismissed the crowds, He went up on a mountainside by himself to pray.  When the evening came, he was still there alone” Matthew 14:23

In the busyness of our day to day lives and our desire to be more productive and “do more” for God and others, we can easily miss the importance of solitude and personal reflection.  We can learn from Jesus’ example of taking time to retreat from the crowds and day to day activity to go away to a quiet, solitary place to pray, reflect and listen for the voice of God.  It is easy to miss some of the most important things God is trying to tell us if we don’t take time to get in a quiet environment to posture ourselves to hear from God.

Jesus withdrew from people, daily life activities and the demands of His ministry to be alone with the Father and pray.  His solitude and silence are prevalent throughout the Gospels.  His ongoing, intimate relationship with His Abba father was the source of His compassion, wisdom, and power.  Withdrawing in solitude is how Jesus began His ministry, how He made important decisions and dealt with troubling emotions like grief.  How He dealt with the constant demands of ministry and cared for His soul.  It is even how He prepared for His death on the cross.

I started doing 24-hour solos over 20 years ago and it has become a meaningful part of my life and faith journey.  God has revealed some amazing things to me over the years through my solo retreats.  This is on my mind today as I am preparing to take a year-end solo this week, and I am looking forward to hearing what God might have to share with me. 

For me, this is a day when I retreat away to a quiet place to reflect on my life as it relates to the bigger picture:

1) Life purpose (why am I here and what has God uniquely called me to do), 2) Vision (gaining clarity in my picture of a preferable future), 3) Mission (how I live day to day, and structure my life to realize my vision), 4) Values (what defines who I am and want to become), and 5) Goals (what I hope to accomplish in the future (weeks/months/years) to live out my God purpose and vision).  I try to do this several times a year but always at the end of the year.  I believe in it so much that we make it a mandatory paid day away for our team members at Founders, see attached Founders Solo guide with personal Values exercise.  If we want to grow and mature to realize our life potential in Christ, I believe it is paramount that we all take time out to examine our lives and hear from God. “A life not examined is not worth living”. Socrates

Here are a few practical tips for your solo (this is what I do):

  • Set aside time on your calendar – Do your best to plan at least 24 hours of uninterrupted time away.  Let your family and team know you are taking a day of solitude.

  • Quiet Place - Go to a place that is quiet and has limited distractions – farmhouse, cabin in the woods, lake home, retreat center, Pursell Farms etc.

  • Limited Distractions - Put away your phone and technology and plan to disconnect for your time away – do not do work or take calls – enter into Sabbath rest (not trying to be productive just restful and reflective)

  • Posture - Spend the first part of your time entering) “His courts with praise and Thanksgiving” – Turn on your favorite praise music and just worship and praise the Lord.  Thank Him for your blessings.  Count your blessings by writing down everything you can think of that you are thankful for. 

    • Read some scripture that inspires you – I love reading John 15, Proverbs 3, Galatians 5, Ephesians

    • Write down anything that stand out to you from the scripture

  • Review and Reflection

    • Review your personal Vision, Mission, Values, Purpose, goals, life plan etc. – if you don’t have one then you can start by developing a draft  

    • Review your calendar for the past year – analyze how you spent your time and if you invested time in the areas of priority

      • Spend time thinking about your calendar for the upcoming year and how you want to prioritize and adjust your daily/weekly/monthly/quarterly rhythms

    • Review your photos and special memories from the past year – I go through my photo album on my phone for the year and reflect on all the special times I spent with friends and family.  This exercise helps me get my past year into perspective and also prompts me with remembering my blessings. This is a fun and enjoyable exercise. 

      • It may prompt you to reach out to a friend or family member and share the memory/picture with them. 

    • Review your personal financials - Where did you spend, invest, and give money.  Typically, we invest/spend/give money on things that we value.  This exercise helps us assess if we are living out our values in our finances.  As believers we are called to steward our resources and blessings in a way that aligns with God’s values.

    • Look at daily, weekly, monthly rhythms and load them into your calendar - (first fruits time, date nights with spouse, recreation time, retreats, family time etc) If it is not on your calendar then it probably is not a priority

    • Journal Review – if you keep a journal, it is great to review it and look for patterns and insights that may help you

  • Listen and Dream

    • Think about the possibilities for you and your family – Vision – Heritage Vision

    • Take walks to pray and listen to hear what God has for you

    • Listen for a theme or word from the Lord – I try to get a word for the year to focus on such as:  Gentleness, Graciousness, pruning etc. 

    “Jesus went on from there and walked beside the Sea of Galilee.  And He went up on the mountain and sat down there.” Matthew 15:29

  • Capture it - Write a one-page summary from your time away and file it somewhere where you can pull it out to review during the year and at your next solo

Be still and know that I am God.”  I will be exalted among the Nations; I will be exalted in the earth”.  Psalm 46:1

I hope this adds value to you and blesses you as much as it has blessed me over the years.

Have a great week as we enter the Holiday Season!!!!!


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Katie Burns Katie Burns

Word of the Week - Fear of God - Part 2

“Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” Philippians 2:12

Last week I shared a basic definition of the “Fear of God” and a few of the benefits of having a healthy “Fear of God”.  I realize that this scriptural truth is often misunderstood.  The truth is that I have struggled with this over the years.  I am just completing a book titled “The Awe of God” by John Bevere.  It is an amazing book that has really given me insight and clarity in this area.  I highly recommend the book, especially if you also struggle in this area.  In this week’s “WOW” I am sharing a few concepts from John’s book that have helped me to embrace and pursue a healthy “Fear of God”.  I hope it is helps you as much as it has helped me.

Old Testament (law) vs. New Testament (love/relationship)

Many Christians would argue that since Jesus came to fulfill the law by His death and resurrection, we have overcome the wages of sin and death and should not fear God.  In fact,1 John 4:18 says “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear”.  So, how do we discern this in a way that is what God intended for us.  Based on my study and understanding, I would say that it is both.  That Jesus overcame the grave by His death on the cross and through Him we have victory over sin and assurance of eternal life, which gives us the ability to connect with God in an intimate way through Jesus and face death without fear.  On the other hand, the new testament has many scriptures that warn us as believers who are saved by grace to live holy and reverent lives that honor and glorify Christ and serve as a solid example to others, especially non-believers.  In other words, just because we are born again and walking with Jesus our gracious Lord and Savior, we must never forget who God is and who we are.  That God is all powerful and mighty and as humans we are totally dependent upon Him for everything.  This is the reality of the “awe” or “fear” of God.  He is all powerful and mighty and we should never become casual in our relationship with God.  That being said, we can surely be comfortable and “Approach His throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive the mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need”.  Hebrews 4:16

Holy Fear vs. being Scared of God

Do not fear, for God has come to test you, and that His fear may be before you, so that you may not sin” Exodus 20:20.  At first glance it seems that Moses contradicts himself:  “Do not fear” because God has come “that His fear may be before you.” Is Moses speaking out of both sides of his mouth?  The answer is no.  Moses is merely differentiating between being “scared of God” and having “the fear of the Lord”.  Generally speaking, someone who is scared of God has something to hide.  Recall Adam and Eve in the garden after they had fallen to sin, they were afraid and hiding from God.  It is human nature to withdraw in fear if there is something to hide.  However, the person who has a healthy fear of God has nothing to hide.  He or she is simply fearful of being separated from God.  A healthy fear of God means that we know we cannot live without Him and must be connected to Him, which draws us to Him and away from sin, which separates us from God.  Therefore, the person who has a healthy fear of God does not desire to walk the line of sin to see how close they can get without falling in.  No, because they desire to be and stay connected to God through the Holy Spirit, and stay as far away from sin as they can.  This is a healthy “fear of God”!!  The psalmist writes, “The lord is a friend of those who fear Him” Psalm 25:14.  So rest assured, holy fear does not quench intimacy; it does just the opposite – it enhances our connection and interaction with God.

What is Holy Fear

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.  For our God is a consuming fire.” Hebrews 12:28-29 This scripture references reverence and godly fear and they are different.  Reverence is defined as profound adoration and awed respect.  Godly fear carries the meaning of “awe”.  Awe is defined as “fear inspired by something great and terrific, to strip with fear and reverence”.  In the case of our relationship with God, Holy Fear should have a drawing and not repulsive effect on us if we are not living in a sinful state.

Statements/definitions of a healthy fear of God:

  • To fear God is to reverence and be in complete awe of Him

  • To fear God is to hallow Him – to “respect Him greatly”

  • To fear God is to esteem, respect, honor, venerate, and adore Him above anyone or anything else

  • When we fear God, we take on His nature and heart.  We love what He loves, and hate what He hates

    • To fear God is to hate sin, hate injustice and depart from evil

  • To fear God is to walk in authentic humility before God and man

  • To fear God is to give Him the praise, adoration, thanksgiving, and worship He deserves

  • To fear God is to give Him all that belongs to Him

  • To fear God is to tremble before Him in wonder and awe.  It is to give His Word and presence our full attention

  • To fear God is to obey Him

  • To fear God is to abstain from any form of complaining, murmuring, or grumbling

  • To fear God is to respect, honor and submit to His direct and delegated authority

  • To fear the Lord shapes our intentions, thoughts, words, and actions

Benefits of Holy Fear

  • The fear of the Lord is the starting place for an intimate relationship with God.  We become His friend and His secrets are made known to us

  • The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, understanding, and knowledge.  It gives us foresight and clear divine direction

  • The fear of the Lord is how we mature in our salvation and are conformed to the image of Jesus

  • The fear of the Lord is clean; it produces true holiness in our lives

  • To abide in the fear of the Lord is to secure an eternal legacy

  • The fear of the Lord produces confidence, fearlessness, and security.  It trumps all other fears, including the fear of man.

  • The fear of the Lord gives us identity, makes us productive, and empowers us to multiply

  • The fear of the Lord provides angelic assistance, fulfilled desires, enduring success, nobility, influence, longevity, productive days, enjoyment in life, happiness, pleasure in labor, healing for our body and so much more.

This https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=END3mS_3jBk is a great 35-minute message that John Bevere shared at Highlands College Chapel on Having a Healthy Fear of God”.  I would highly recommend a listen.

The fear of the Lord endures forever and will never fade.  The fear of the Lord is a treasured gift from our heavenly Father!!!!

Have a great week.


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Katie Burns Katie Burns

Word of the Week - Fear of God

“The Lord favors those who fear Him.  Those who wait for His lovingkindness.”  Psalm 147: 11

Healthy Fear of God refers to fear in the context of respect, awe, and submission.  The fear of the Lord is a gift of the Holy spirit and does not imply that we are to be afraid or scared of God, since we know He is our heavenly Father who loves and forgives us.  Just like a good earthly father, God has our best interest in mind and He desires us to have a joyful awareness of His power and grandeur and a grateful realization that only in Him do our hearts find true peace, fulfillment and eternal life.  From a theological perspective, “fear of the Lord” is a convergence of awe, reverence, adoration, honor, worship, confidence, thankfulness, love and respect. 

Strength in Fear:

Whoever fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for their children it will a refuge” Proverb 14:26.  Healthy Fear brings us strength.  It is the feeling that allows us to experience risk, trust, dependency, collaboration, and ultimately, wisdom because it helps us realize our need for help.  As we recognize our need for help, we find great opportunity.  Fear can motivate you to reach out for help, risk your heart with your need.  This can create a healthy degree of interdependence on God and others, which is truly the joy and purpose of life, to live in connection/dependence on Christ and community with others.  We were not designed to do this life alone.  Unfortunately, too many of us answer fear by silencing its voice.  We run from risk, eliminate trust hide our dependency and become anxious and controlling not peace filled and collaborative.   

Protection in Fear:

“The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life turning a person from the snares of death” Proverb 14:27. Fear awakens us to danger.  It is a visceral reaction to physical threat, but more important, because we are creatures of the heart, fear alerts us to emotional and spiritual danger.  By listening to healthy fear, we recognize our value and prepare to prevent harm to ourselves and others.  This caution affords us discernment, which gives us a sense of other’s intentions and recognition of our own.  If our fear is grounded in God’s love it will serve us well as a healthy protections system as we navigate a fallen world and complex world with many emotional, spiritual, and emotional risk and dangers.   

Wisdom in Fear:

“The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” Proverb 9:10.  Wisdom begins its creation through fear.  Discernment that comes by listening to our fear in the context of God’s word, helps us choose the wisest course of action, one that takes into account our propensity to harm others, and values our potential to love.  Fear offers us the chance to decide or discern which direction to go.  When we move into life, we can risk truth and recognize potential harm.  Or as survivors we can hide by pretending fear isn’t happening or attacking the potential harm.  Seeing fear for what it is and acknowledging it offers new relational opportunities with God and people and initiates truth and Wisdom. 

Having a healthy and holy fear of God is a blessing because it helps us see God, others, and ourselves in the proper context.  From God’s perspective we as His sons and daughters are amazingly valued and tremendously vulnerable.  We need God and others to live healthy and purposeful lives.  We don’t have enough knowledge, wisdom, or power to succeed and thrive alone, yet we are completely responsible for our choices.  Healthy fear helps us recognize our need for connection with God and other believers. 

“Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him!” Psalm 33:8


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Katie Burns Katie Burns

Word of the Week - Thanksgiving

“Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever. Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for mankind, for He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.” Psalm 107:1,8-9

Thanksgiving defined by Webster is the act of giving thanks; a prayer expressing gratitude; a public acknowledgment or celebration of divine goodness.  I love Thanksgiving and the fact that we as a nation set aside a day to give thanks and acknowledge our blessings both individually, as a family and as a country.  It is by far my favorite holiday, a time to slow down to “express gratitude and acknowledge and celebrate God’s divine goodness”.


Give thanks in all circumstances - Life can be very difficult at times.  In fact Jesus tells us this in John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But Take heart!  I have overcome the world”.  The real question is how we will respond to the challenges and disappointments we face.  Will we focus and dwell on the negative or will we decide to focus on our blessings?  The tendency of the world is to focus on the negative, which is our natural inclination. This is not God’s will for us and does not lead us to the abundant life Jesus desires for us.  By focusing on the challenging issues of life, which will always be here this side of heaven, we often lose perspective on the blessings of life and God’s goodness towards us, which can easily lead to the trap of negativity, despair, bitterness, envy, depression etc, this is bad thinking.  Or, we can choose the Lord’s way, which is to “Give Thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” 1 Thessalonians 5:16.  This approach leads to peace, hope, joy, encouragement etc., a life giving perspective.


A few benefits of a grateful heart:

  • It gets our eyes off ourselves and helps us to focus back on God.

  • It reminds us we're not in control, but that we serve a Mighty God who is.

  • It takes our attention off of our problems and helps us instead to reflect on, to remember, the goodness of His many blessings.

  • A grateful heart reminds us that ultimately God is our Provider, that all blessings and gifts are graciously given to us by His hand.

  • A heart of gratitude leaves no room for complaining. For it is impossible to be truly thankful and filled with negativity and ungratefulness at the same time.

  • It makes the enemy flee. The forces of darkness can't stand to be around hearts that give thanks and honor to God. Our praise and thanksgiving will make them flee.

  • It opens up the door for continued blessings. It invites His presence. Our spirits are refreshed and renewed in Him. 


A few great Thanksgiving Quotes:

Ø  “A moment of gratitude makes a difference in your attitude” – Bruce Wilkinson

Ø  “The more you practice the art of thankfulness, the more you have to be thankful for” – Norman Vincent Peale

Ø  “To be grateful is to recognize the Love of God in everything” – Thomas Merton

Ø  “Thanksgiving is a spiritual exercise, necessary to the building of a healthy soul.  It takes us out of the stuffiness of ourselves and into the fresh breeze and sunlight of the will of God” – Elisabeth Elliot


Count your blessings each day and give Thanks to God - This is a simple and powerful spiritual principle.  There is no question that we will reap what we sow in this very important area of life.  Therefore, I challenge us this week to begin each day (First Fruits/Priority) by acknowledging God’s goodness by counting our blessings and giving thanks to Him.  Before we put your feet on the floor each morning think of something we are grateful for and give Thanks.  No matter how bad things are we can always find something to be Thankful for.  God loves it when we enter His presence with praise and thanksgiving, it blesses Him, but it also really blesses Us.  “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name” Psalm 100:4


I am thankful for each of you and pray you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving!!


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Katie Burns Katie Burns

Word of the Week - Family Legacy

“One generation shall commend your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts.”  -Psalm 145:4

In follow to last week’s Word of the Week message on “Children”, see below, I wanted to share this message on Family Legacy.


Family is the first institution God created for instilling values for the purpose of preserving culture for generational impact.  As outlined in the verse above, God desires for every person to have a spiritual heritage.  The reality is that God instituted family so we can train and equip our children with godly values, so they live to their full God potential and pass godly values on to their children, and live multi-generationally. “Train them up in the way he/she should go, And when they are older they will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6   God imparted into all humans a innate desire to be part of something that will last.  “He has set eternity in the human heart” Ecclesiastes 3:11


Building healthy and intentional family identity:  We serve a God of order, peace, and continuity.  “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace”. 1 Corinthians 14:33 To understand how to build healthy families we must first become healthy people. This means we have to be willing to do the hard work personally and within our marriages.  As I stated in last week’s “word of the week” on Children, it is challenging to give what we do not have.  It starts with us as leaders of our families having a personal intimate abiding relationship with Christ so He can impart His wisdom into our hearts and minds.  We do live in a broken world and without God’s covering in our lives our families will be susceptible to the reality of generational curse with the sins of the fathers flowing down to the next generation.  This is the way of the world and our culture at large.  So how do we break this cycle?  First and foremost, we submit our families to God and put our faith and trust in Him.  But we must do our part by building healthy and intentional communication and trust within our families.  This is done by telling stories and celebrating victories.  If we look back in history and see families that had generational impact, they were very intentional about sharing stories of what God had done “Ask the former generation and find out what their ancestors learned” Job 8:8 and they were constantly taking time out to celebrate and remember by hosting festivals. “When you enter the land that the Lord will give you as promised, observe this ceremony.  And when your children ask you, ‘What does this ceremony mean?’ then tell them. ‘ It is the Passover sacrifice to the Lord, who passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt and spared our homes when He struck down the Egyptians.” Exodus 12:25-27


Family values, vision and purpose:  Family identity is key to building a godly family Heritage.  Our families must have a strong understanding of who we are and what makes us the Donner’s or Smiths etc.  Family values define the moral and ethical principles of behavior for a family.  Values can be passed down from one generation to the next.  This is the most important Heritage we can give our kids and descendants.  Many of our godly values are apparent from our families of origin, but some need to be discovered and can often times be revealed as we think about our past and some of the defining stories/events in our lives.  Our family went through our first family values exercise together over 10 years ago and since then we have taken time in family meetings to talk about our values and assess how we are living out these values.  Asking questions to determine if we are intentionally sharing and communicating these values with our kids and grandkids. Our families stated values include: Faith, Family/Heritage, Perseverance, Health and Generosity.  See attached Family ID worksheet for your reference on family values exercise.  This is a great tool for you to use with your family. 


I believe that Vision and purpose are key to Heritage living.  “Without vision the people perish” 29:18 I find it interesting that the prior verse is related to disciplining our children “Discipline your children, and they will give you peace; they will bring you the delights you desire”. Proverbs 29:17   If you cannot see where you are going (Vision) and understand why you are going there (Purpose), it is hard to know what to do.  Lack of Vision and Purpose leads to wandering through life and leaves us lacking identity making us much more susceptible to attacks from the enemy of our soul.  Purposeful living with vision towards something of eternal value is like medicine to our soul that gives us energy, health and protection.  This is the abundant life that Jesus speaks about in John 10:10 when He says, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full”.  Live life on offense with Vision, Mission and Purposes and you will have life. 


Amy and I attended a JH Ranch event this week in Tennessee called Harvest.  It was a 3-day retreat where we had the opportunity to reflect on what God has done in our lives and family, much of which transpired through the JH/Outback ministry, and dream and develop our faith and vision toward what God has in store in the future.  God moved in our hearts by giving us fresh revelation and reinforcing our family vision of building  Lasting goldy Heritage for 10 Generations by living out our mission of “Abiding in Christ, Serving Others and Living Generously”.


Having a Heart of gratitude and generosity is key:  There is definitely power in living intentionally and taking time to discover, define and write down your family Values, Vision, Mission, and Purpose if we desire to have generational impact.  In fact, statistics say we are 90% more likely to achieve our long-term goals if we write them down.  That being said, the most important and defining factor is how we live our lives because these things are more caught than taught.  We can go through the exercise but if our lives don’t reflect God’s values then we are just kidding ourselves.  This by no means implies that we have to live perfect lives because that is not possible, we are imperfect human beings and will make mistakes along the way.  The condition and intention of our heart is what matters most and having a heart of gratitude and generosity is evidence that we understand what God has done for each of us by sending Jesus to die so we can have eternal life and live the abundant life while we are here on earth.  This is the most meaningful Heritage we can pass to our children, that they know Christ.  “He gave His only begotten son so that we can have eternal life”. John 3:16, so as we receive this amazing gift we are filled with heartfelt gratitude and desire to give it away to others.  To give our lives and leverage our influence and possessions to build God’s Kingdom.  This is the heart of God and it is a heart of Generosity towards humanity.  It is interesting that as we study families of wealth over millennia, the ones that have sustained legacy over generations are the ones that have been most generous, especially those who are generous towards the things of God.  “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed” Proverbs 11:25


God promises us that if we live our lives with God’s values He will bless our descendants up to a thousand generations.  “Know therefore that the Lord God is God; He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commandments.” Deuteronomy 7:9  What an amazing and powerful promise of God.  I hope this encourages you toward living on purpose with intentionality to plant seeds for Generational Blessing in your family.  The is the opportunity we have as followers of Christ and Kingdom builders.


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Katie Burns Katie Burns

Word of the Week - Children

Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from Him.  Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth.  Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them” Psalm 127: 3-5

Amy and I hosted our second annual Cousins camp at our farm this weekend.  We had our four eldest grandchildren Selah, John Michael, Hazel and Lily for a weekend of fun and adventure.  It was an action packed and delightful weekend that included fishing, scavenger hunts, music, dancing sessions, prayer, worship, and much more.  Amy and I are a bit tired but really fulfilled and grateful for this special time with our grandchildren where we get to enjoy them and pour into them in so many ways.  Children are a blessing, but grandchildren are surely double portion of God’s blessings.  See attached pics from the weekend.

Our Children and Grandchildren are a blessing from God and as parents of our families we need to understand our role and involvement in influencing and receiving this blessing.  With divine order comes divine blessing, especially as it relates to raising up our Children.  God is sovereign over our lives and our Children but He is gracious in allowing us to participate in the process as parents.  He loves us and desires the best for us and our families, thus allows us to influence our Children and families, which ultimately influence and impact the world for His Glory.  Being a parent is an amazing blessing but also a big responsibility.  We as parents with God’s help, have the opportunity to sow into our Children and “Train them up in the way he/she should go, And when they are older they will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6  

God our heavenly Father has a great model and plan for Parenting.  To understand how to impart God’s ways into our Children I believe we as parents must first become Children of the living God and have a personal intimate relationship with Him so He can impart His wisdom into our hearts and minds.  We cannot give what we do not have, and the only way to possess the things of God is to be connected to the vine of Christ through an abiding relationship with Jesus. John 15:5.  Even though we serve a God of order and principal, many of the things of God come through revelation not necessarily through logical reasoning.  So to know the things of God you must be connected to His spirit to receive His guidance, especially when it comes to the complexity of parenting, it does not always make sense.  I clearly remember when I came to Christ at the age of 33 how God so graciously began to change my perspective on parenting and reveal to me so many ideas that were vital for me at the time because I had two young daughters Mary Kathryn and Saige and really had more questions than answers in regards to parenting.  It is like the lights started to come on, and as I grew in my relationship with God through prayer, reading His word and being discipled, I saw so many things that I had been blind to prior to knowing Him.  It totally changed me and the way Amy and I parented our Children and I believe ultimately changed the trajectory of history for our family and our lives.  Fortunately for me this happened before my daughters entered the challenging phase of teen adolescence. 

So what does it look like to raise up your kids in a godly manner?  As in most things of God and the spirit, it is an inside job that is more caught than taught, and must begin in our hearts through surrendering our lives, including our family and children to God by acknowledging that our Children are a gift from God and thus they are really His Children that we get to train for a short season of life.  Similar to other blessings, He is their heavenly Father so the reality is we are simply stewarding God’s children. We must get the right perspective and not take possession of our kids and think they are here for us.  From a biblical perspective, we have two primary objectives as parents: 1) To teach, train, equip and model our kids in their walk of faith and do everything we can to ensure that they have a relationship with Christ, and 2) to help them develop and understand their unique talents/giftings and connect with their life purpose so they become healthy, productive and godly citizens who live out their vocational calling to make a difference.  Our job is simply to help them through the “Journey of Transition” from dependence on us as their parents to dependence on God as they become adults. “Discipline your Children, and they will give you peace; they will bring you the delights you desire.” Proverbs 29:17

The challenging years of adolescents - One of the most critical and challenging phases of parenting is when our kids are going through adolescents (generally between the ages of 13-17), the transition from kids to young adults.  This is a natural and healthy process when our Children desire to begin the process of gaining independence from us as their parents.  If we don’t have godly clarity and are not equipped with the proper tools this can be a very confusing time that can lead to life-long challenges if not navigated well.  It can feel like rebellion if not put in the right context.  I was blessed with the opportunity to attend JH/Outback www.JHranch.com ; www.jhoutback.com just as my oldest daughter was coming into adolescents.  The godly wisdom that God imparted in me and my family through JH/Outback were life changing and an amazing blessing that continues to impact our family today.  I highly recommend both of these organizations and encourage all parents to take your son/daughter through an Outback or to JH Ranch in their formative teen years, it will truly bless you and your son/daughter.  The simply key is to understand our roles as parents as our kids grow and mature.  As our kids grow we have to change our roles and interact with them in different ways.  This is not necessarily intuitive but it makes perfect sense if you understand it from a biblical perspective.  Check out the attached outline of the Journey of Transition authored by Bruce Johnston the Founder of JH/Outback.

Our Children and Grandchildren are a blessing but even in the pain of our Children going astray, by faith God’s plan is perfect and redemptive.   There is no doubt that our biggest blessings in life to date are our 3 daughters, Mary Kathryn (32), Saige (30) and Isabella (20), our eight Grandchildren Selah, John Michael, Lily, Hazel, Neriah, Kyle, Elouise and David 😊!!!!   Not to mention the wonderful joy of having two sons by marriage who I get to enjoy life with, especially enjoying God’s creation through hunting and fishing which we are blessed to share as a hobby/passion.  It just keeps getting better and I am so grateful.  All that being said, I do understand the reality of the brokenness of our world and the pain that comes when our relationship with our Children are not good and healthy.  Sometimes no matter how well we parent our Children, they go astray as in the story of the Prodigal son in Luke Chapter 15 “My son, the father said, you are always with me, and everything I have is yours.  But we have to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was lost and dead to sin and is now alive again; he was lost and is now found”. Luke 15:31-32  I do want to encourage you that it is never too late to begin the process of surrendering our Children to the Lord, even if they are grown.  We serve a God of redemption and second chances so be encouraged, there is always hope.  God is a healer and He desires to heal all His Children and family relationships.  In fact, God ends the Old Testament with the following promise “I will turn the hearts of the parents to their Children, and the hearts of the Children to their parents” Malachi 4:6

I apologize for the length of this “Word of the Week”, I am passionate about family and God’s generational plan for our families, so I have too much to share.  So much so that I founded a ministry called Heritage Forum www.heritageforums.com

Have a blessed week,


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Katie Burns Katie Burns

Word of the Week - Gentleness

“Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.” - Philippians 4:5

Gentleness is also translated “meekness”, which is power under restraint.  It is not weakness, rather it is self-controlled strength that displays humble, caring, and gracious behavior towards others.  It is choosing to be caring towards others even when you have the power and position to be forceful.  The opposite of gentleness is being rough and harsh in our approach.  Sometimes gentleness can be confused with personalities that are soft and sweet.  In this context, Gentleness is not a personality but more of our approach and behavior towards others.  It is approaching people with a Christlike humility.


In the context of our faith as believers, Gentleness is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).  When we are walking in the fruit of Gentleness, we will confront others with a spirit of care and kindness instead of frustration and anger, knowing that their value as a human being and their salvation is most important in our interaction.  “And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful”. 2 Timothy 2:24  We readily forgive, because we understand how much we have been forgiven by God.  Because of our love for Christ, our approach towards others is more about living the gospel and less about us and our personal agenda.  “Jesus must increase; I must decrease”. John 3:30


Of all of the fruits of the spirit, Gentleness is one of the most challenging for me.  The good news is that God in His amazing love and grace has been working His Gentleness into me for decades.  I am surely not where He desires for me to be, but I am more Gentle today than I have ever been.  I still have a long way to go, and it is a major focus for me, especially at this stage of my life.  Somehow growing up I developed more worldly views and values that were counter to being Gentle, especially in my early and formative years before being spirit filled.  I learned to value being direct and tough, a more shrewd approach toward people. This drove me towards being focused, intense and goal oriented.  These can be positive traits in life and business, but if not harnessed can hurt people and cause relational damage over time.  I learned to operate with a strong sense of urgency, which drives me to be efficient with my time.  I have discovered that going fast is often counter to being Gentle.  At the worst of times, I value results over people and how they feel.  The Lord continues to convict me deeply in this area.  Like most of my “Word of the Week” messages, this is an area of challenge for me that I deeply desire for God to enhance in my life.  I know that God values people over goals and our accomplishments.  That being said, I do believe Gentleness towards others and achieving excellence in all areas of life can coexist and go hand and hand.  I have experienced the blessing that comes from being Gentle towards others while also working diligently toward achieving a goal.

We are in a series at our church on “Fruits of the Spirit” and last week Pastor Charlotte Gambill shared a powerful message on “Gentleness”.  If you struggle in this area I would encourage you to watch the message by clicking this link Gentleness_10_27_2024.  I have summarized her message below.

3 Aspects of developing the fruit of Gentleness in our lives:

Awareness – The more I am aware the more gentleness grows within me.  For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness, “ has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.  We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure.  This makes is clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.”  2 Corinthians 4:6-7 As I become more aware and understand that I carry the light of Jesus within me, my behavior and approach towards others becomes more godly and Gentle.  Gentleness is the biproduct of our connection to Jesus.  As we remain in Him, we are much more aware of His presence within us and we carry this treasure with us as we interact with others. As we walk with Jesus and grow in our faith we realize that people are fragile and we need to take a Gentle approach, especially if we are in positions of authority and power in our relationship with them.  God leads us as a Good Shepherd and this should be our approach towards others.


Security – Gentleness is the vocabulary of the secure.  For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.  In love He predestined us for adoption to sonship (sons and daughters) through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will to the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the One He loves”. Ephesians 1:4-6  When we know who we are in Christ our tone and vocabulary changes.  Insecurity is loud and needs to be heard, whereas when we are secure in Christ we don’t have to compete or strive.  Our approach should not be from a place of anger or frustration but from a place of security, knowing who we are in Christ, allowing our tone to be Gentle. Christ is strong and Gentle (the Lion and the Lamb), He commands us to speak the truth in love. (Ephesians 4:15).  This is our heritage in Christ; Gentleness is the vocabulary of those who are secure in Christ. “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Proverbs 15:1


Forgivness – Gentleness is evidence of the fruit of forgiveness.  Brothers, if anyone is caught in any sin, you who are spiritual (those responsive to the guidance of the spirit) are to restore such a person in a spirit of gentleness (not with a spirit of superiority or self-righteousness), keeping a watchful eye on yourself, so that you are not tempted as well.  Carry one another’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the requirements of the law of Christ (that is the law of Christian love). Gentleness is power under constraint and the best picture of this is the Cross.  We have received the gift of forgiveness and salvation even though we deserve death and condemnation; therefore, we should desire to extend this amazing grace to others in the name of Jesus. The bible challenges us in this area to be ambassadors of Christ in all situations as we carry the love of God with us, especially in positions of influence and leadership.  Even in situations of disagreement and being attacked or unfairly accused, God calls us to be carriers of His Gentleness.   

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”  Ephesians 4:2

Let’s let our love for God and others be known by our Gentleness!


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Katie Burns Katie Burns

Word of the Week - God’s Glory

“Ascribe to the Lord, all you families of nations, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.  Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name; bring an offering and come into His courts.” ~Psalm 96:7-8

God’s Glory is often described as the magnificence, worth, loveliness, holiness, and greatness of God.  God’s Glory is referenced throughout the bible and is often communicated as His special presence manifested in different ways to include pillars of Glory and fire (Exodus 13:21-22), or as referred to in Exodus 40:34-35 “Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the Glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.” Psalm 96 describes God’s Glory in terms like honor, majesty, strength, beauty, sovereignty, and righteousness with the intent of helping us understand the substance of our mighty God.  This all points to the almost indescribable reality of God “the awe of God”, which should compel us to simply praise and worship Him in His Glory and magnificence. “For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; He is to be feared above all gods.  For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the Lord made the heavens. Splendor and majesty are before Him; strength and glory are in His sanctuary.” Psalm 96:4-6 God’s Glory also compels us to glorify His name by sharing His goodness with others and living our lives in a way that let’s His light and Glory shine through us.

3 Aspects of God’s Glory:

  • The Magnificence and Splendor of God are displayed in the heavens and the earth.  We see God’s Glory in His creation and it points us to the awesomeness of God the Creator of all things.  His power and majestic beauty are on display each and every day.  The beauty of a sunrise on a chilly fall morning, the serenity of the sun setting over the water, or a clear night sky with thousands of stars twinkling, these simple but amazing wonders point clearly to the Glory of God.  I was at Lake Martin this weekend enjoying some time with Amy and friends.  During the weekend I was overcome with the Glory of God shining through His creation so much so that I just had to shout out to Him in praise.  I felt compelled to let God know how much I love and appreciate Him and the gift of being able to experience Him through His creation.  When we give God praise it reminds us of how good He and points others to the magnificence and splendor of God.  “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands” Psalm 91:1

  • Sharing His goodness - what God has done and is doing in us and through us Glorify’s God. There is nothing like the power of our testimony and sharing what God has done in our lives through His power and presence.  When we share with others our God story and how it has changed our lives it brings Glory to God and plants seeds for God’s Glory to shine.  It is not just our salvation testimony, which is very powerful but also what God is doing in our lives today as we walk with Jesus.  If we are abiding in Christ there will be godly fruit in our lives.  This fruit comes from God and therefore is meant to Glorify Him.  Living holy and godly lives Glorifies God.  We should be looking for the fruit in every area of our lives and always be ready to share with others who may be struggling or needing help in a similar area.  This is ministry, simply taking what God has done in your life to bless you and sharing it with others.  Whether it is your marriage, family, friendships, finances, business or whatever, we can use it to point people to God and bring Glory to His name. “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” 1 Corinthians 10:31

  • God’s presence in the person of the Holy Spirit is the manifest presence of God’s Glory in our lives.  God desires for personal intimacy with each of us.  When God’s presence shows up in a personal way, it makes God real and personal.  He is no longer a distant God who exists in the heavens, but He is a personal and relatable God who comes down to dwell with us and within us.  God can manifest His presence in our lives in many ways both eternally and internally.  The Holy Spirit is the great Comforter that allows us to sense the warmth of God’s love. It is also the spirit of God that prompts and convicts us.  The presence of the Holy Spirt in our lives is God’s Glory shining in us and through us.  His presence in us shows up as the manifest presence of God and impacts all areas of our lives to include our homes, businesses, and churches.  The reality and experience of His presence transforms those who are in His midst.  As we surrender more and more to the Holy Spirit we become more godly and God’s glory shines through us and radiates to those around us.  “For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ”. 2 Corinthians 4:6

God’s Glory goes far beyond our human comprehension.  We will not fully understand God’s Glory until we get to heaven but in the meantime, He gives us glimpses of His Glory.  Revelation talks about this “And He carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.  It shone with the Glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal….I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple.  The city does not need the sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp” Revelation 21:10-11; 22-23 

Lord, show us your Glory and may our lives reflect your Glory and Glorify you!!!!


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Katie Burns Katie Burns

Word of the Week - Goodness (Expanded)

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

-Matthew 5:16

Goodness expanded – Last week I shared about the fruit of Goodness, what it is and what it looks like, see below.  This week I want to expound on Goodness and further explore how we cultivate this spiritual fruit in our lives.   We are currently in a series at COH on the “Fruit of the Spirit” and looking at each of the 9 fruits of the spirit.  Last week Pastor Chris shared on Goodness.  Here are a few key take aways from his message.


How do we live in Goodness – Goodness is a function of being made upright and righteous in Christ.  It is being restored and redeemed to God’s original plan for our lives.  Righteousness is a state of a person as they ought to be in areas of integrity, virtue, purity, rightness, and correctness in thinking, feeling, and acting.  God desires for us to live free, purposeful, and blessed lives by Knowing God, Finding Freedom, and Discovering our Purpose so we can Make a Difference during our time here on earth. 


Key to living in Goodness:

  • Relationship with God and other believers.  It starts by saying “yes” to Jesus and surrendering our lives to Him, but that is just the beginning of the journey of faith and Goodness.  God created us to live in fellowship with other believers and we will never get the fullness of God unless we are in meaningful relationships with others.  Life change happens in the context of relationships; we are the sum total of our relationships. “A mirror reflects a man’s face but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses”. Proverbs 27:19


  • Living with honesty and being able to share what is going on within our mind and soul with others.  The truth is that we all struggle with something, and we need others to help us get these things out of us so we can stay healthy and free.  Confession is good for the soul. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness”. 1 John 1:9 God is attracted to honesty not perfection.  He loves it when we admit our flaws and come clean.  We confess our sins to God for forgiveness and to others to receive healing.  “Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed”. James 5:16


  • Inviting the Holy Spirit into our lives daily to lead us and guide us.  The Holy Spirit is our guide and source of power to walk in Goodness. The Holy Spirit tenderizes our hearts toward God and others.  “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.  And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws”. Ezekiel 36:26-27


We pray to the Holy Spirt to:

  • Show us – “Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” Psalm 139: 23-24

  • Change us – “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.  And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed, are being transformed into His image with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit”. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18

  • Fill us – Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery.  Instead, be filled with the Spirit”. Ephesians 5:18

If we ask, the Holy spirit will put God’s Spirit within us and we will reflect the character and Goodness of God.

Have a great week enjoying and reflecting the Goodness of God!


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Katie Burns Katie Burns

Word of the Week - Goodness

“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love.” ~ 1 Peter 1:5-7

What is Goodness – The root meaning of Goodness in the bible is uprightness of heart and life.  The spiritual fruit of Goodness enables us as sinful people to do good and to be good – good in the truest sense of the word.  Goodness is really rightness, which is rooted in righteousness.  Goodness, after all, is the essence of God’s nature as opposed to man’s nature, which is selfish and sinful.  Yes, contrary to today’s popular belief, we are born from sin and into sin and thus we come out of the womb sinful and selfish.  All you have to do is observe any young child and how they act when they don’t get what they want.  Yes, according to God’s Word, badness comes naturally and Goodness does not, “Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” Romans 8:7 This is truth. 

But God has an amazing plan to radically transform our character!!  Though our natural inclination is to defy God in sin, He has determined and purposed through his love and grace to help us overcome that nature to live a life of righteousness and Goodness, which is possible only through a personal relationship with Jesus.  We are made righteous in Christ Jesus!  He is our righteousness.  As the apostle John explained, “He who does good as of way of life is of God, but he who does evil as a way of life does not know God.  “By their fruit you will recognize them.  Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.”  Matthew 7:16-17.   Since we live in a fallen world we are in a daily battle against the principalities of darkness and must stay connected to the vine of Christ to overcome and remain good to bear Good fruit.

God’s Goodness is a blessing to us and those around us - As followers of Christ we must seek the be transformed into the likeness of Christ so that we can possess godly Goodness and the character of Christ so that good fruit is produced in our lives simply as a byproduct of our love and relationship with Christ.  As a people and a nation we must understand that the blessing on America and her Goodness is rooted from our forefathers understanding of this truth, which led them to found our republic on a Judeo Christian foundation.  One of the most famous quotes about the blessings of America was by a French author Alexis de Tocqueville who spent years studying the success of young America and published Democracy in America in 1838.  He concluded that “America is great because America is good”.  Referring to the Goodness that comes from our Judeo Christian heritage so clearly stated on our currency “In God we Trust”.  It is our responsibility as “we the people” to do our very best to protect this amazing and godly heritage of our country, which is definitely at risk in this generation.  It is the Goodness of God that produces the Goodness of “we the people” who as a whole are the United States of America. 

If we remove God, we remove His Goodness and blessing over our nation – “There is a way seems right to a man, but in the end leads to death.” Proverbs 16:25 It seems that our country is on this path and headed towards a place of destruction as we try to remove God and religion from our identity as a nation.  There are many case studies throughout history that have proved this to be a perilous pursuit.  No matter your political preference, if you are a follower of God and desire to have the blessing and Goodness of God as described above, we must stand firm in keeping our “Nation under God” and vote for leaders who hold firm to our God-fearing heritage.  This 90 second video produced by a Harvard Business School faculty member really drives home this reality and is something we should all watch and reflect upon https://www.youtube.com/embed/YjntXYDPw44 .

So, let’s resolve to pursue the Goodness of God through our pursuit of the Lord Jesus so that “we are not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21 “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, but especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” Galatians 6:10

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is Good; blesses is the person who trusts in Him!  Psalm 34:8

Have a blessed and Good week in Christ,


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Katie Burns Katie Burns

Word of the Week - Hospitality

"Show Hospitality to one another without grumbling” 1 Peter 4:9

Hospitality is the relationship of a host towards a guest, wherein the host receives the guest with goodwill and welcome.  This includes the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers.  Hospitality can also refer to the act of being friendly and welcoming to guests and visitors.  It can also refer to food, drink, entertainment, and lodging that an organization provides for guests, customers, or business colleagues.


Core Principles of Hospitality – At its core, hospitality is about creating a warm and welcoming environment where guest feel valued and cared for.  The fundamental principles include:

  • Warmth and Courtesy:  Greet guests with a genuine warmth and politeness to make them feel at home.  This includes greeting people with a smile and a physical connection such as a handshake or hug if you know them well and apprpriate.  This makes people feel seen and valued and it is a key to making them feel welcomed and accepted.  This helps take down their natural defense barriers and allows them to be more open.  This enhances relational connection. 

  • Personalization:  Hospitality is enhanced when we can customize and personalize it.  First and foremost is using the person’s name.  If we start by warmly addressing the person by their name, we are starting down this path.  If we have a deeper relationship and start to learn more about their family and personal preferences.  We can ask them about their spouse and kids or cater to their personal preferences as it relates to food, drink or topics of conversation.

  • Attention to Detail:  Details really matter, and the little things can make the biggest impression or create the most friction.  Trying to ensure that every aspect of the guest/client experience is done well and above expectations.  Thinking through every aspect of the interaction from the guest’s perspective to ensure you are attentive to their needs and will be able to exceed their expectations and delight them in the process.


The heart of hospitality is well defined by Eleanor Roosevelt who said “True Hospitality consists of giving the best of yourself to your guests”. Hospitality is simply serving and loving people outside of your family/business/church in a way that makes them feel like they are part of the family.  Of course, we should love those inside of our family/business/church etc. at an even higher level so they feel loved and accepted.  A healthy person should not sacrifice internal relationship to serve outsiders in the name of being hospitable, which at times can become a challenging balancing act.  One of the biggest blessings of my upbringing was the fact that I grew up in South Louisiana in an area known as Acadiana.  This is the heart of Cajun country where many of the Acadians settled after migrating to the U.S. from France via a stop in a few other places on the way where they were not welcomed.  What is interesting about Acadians/Cajuns is they are some of the most Hospitable and fun-loving people you will ever meet.  They/we have a way of making guest (nonfamily/outsiders) feel fully welcomed and accepted.  They will go out of their way to welcome, feed, entertain and love people who they don’t even know simply to make them feel welcomed.  This is a blessing and gift that has served me and my family very well over the years.  It is one of our Donner family values.


Biblical Hospitality, “Let brotherly love continue.  Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares” Hebrews 13:1-2 One of the distinctives of Christian hospitality is the guests. We extend hospitality to strangers as well as friends, seeking not only to deep fellowship, but also to draw people into the light of Christian community.  We can use Hospitality to reach the lost.  We can extend love through Hospitality to people who are unable to reciprocate.  Hospitality is a way to give of ourselves to others expecting nothing in return.  This is an effective way to win favor with others and allow them to experience the love of Jesus with the hope that they will be drawn into the family of believers.

Biblical Hospitality is also about honoring God by loving and serving the church and our fellow believers.  “Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality” Romans 12:13 It is about loving other believers within our faith family.  A little different than the concept of entertaining, Christian Hospitality does not have to be a special occasion, it is more of a lifestyle.  It is simply opening up our homes and resources to our extended faith family.  This can be as simple as preparing meals to take to people going through challenging times or inviting people into our homes for a prayer meetings and small groups.  This allows us to deepen our relationship with other believers.  As people feel more welcomed, they become more comfortable, which allows them to open their hearts and share areas of pain and struggle.  This allows us to go deeper in relationship and minister to each other and build each other up in Christ.  This strengthens the Church and is pleasing to Jesus.  God uses Hospitality to build His Kingdom both inside and outside of the Church.


God is so loving and gracious that He has accepted us into His family and made us co-heirs with Jesus to His eternal Kingdom.  He invites us to sit at the table with Him each day and eat our daily bread through abiding in Him.  The response God desires for us as believers is to extend His love and grace to others.  I love this quote “People will forget what you said, forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” – John Maxwell.  Hospitality is simply a tangible way to show the love of Christ to others and live out the great commandment “Love God, Love Others”!

Have a great week…..


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Katie Burns Katie Burns

Word of the Week - Commitment

"The eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully Committed to Him” 1 Chronicles 16:9

We will never get the best God has for our lives without being fully Committed.  I think we would all agree that the first step in beginning anything of value is making a decision and a Commitment.  Whether it be a new exercise routine, job, relationship, business process or spiritual discipline, any new pursuit towards something meaningful begins with a decision to do something then a Commitment.  In todays digital age of instant gratification and having more flexibility/options available coupled with an emphasis “feeling” good and pursuing happiness, there seems to be a resistance toward Commitment.  It is almost as if Commitment is a negative word.  The truth is that the best things in life come out of making Commitments and being fully Committed.  One of the best examples is the Marriage relationship.  This is a legal covenant relationship before God, which is the highest form of Commitment.  Anyone who has been married for any amount of time will tell you that marriage is one of the most challenging and fulfilling relationships ever.  Amy and I have been married for 33 years and we will both attest to this reality.  I have never heard anyone say they regret staying married.  I have heard numerous people who have been through divorce say that it was a terrible experience and if they had to do it over again they would have tried to work it out.  I am not condemning divorce, I am simply making the case for being and staying Committed through the good times and the bad, and I can assure you that you will experience both.  There are certain situations that make it nearly impossible to stay married because ultimately you cannot control your spouses decisions or behaviors but you can remain Committed nonetheless.


God is fully Committed to us, “God shows His love (Commitment) to us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us” Romans 5:8 This verse says it all in that God loves us so much that He came to earth as a man and died for us while we still rejected Him.  This is the utmost form of love and Commitment that God gave His life for us before we accepted Him.  If we grasp this reality and its implications, we are compelled to respond by receiving this truth and loving God by fully Committing/devoting our lives to Him and making Him a priority.  How we live our lives really demonstrates what we are Committed to.  Does your life and how you live express Commitment to God?


God wants us to be fully Committed to Him so He can bless us,Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.  Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this;  He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.” Psalm 37:4  It is  so amazing to me that God desires to bless us and give us the desires of our heart.  I have personally discovered that we receive this blessing through our daily Commitment to surrender our lives and hearts to Jesus.  Since God is the source of all good things, the best things of God come through our relationship with Him.  The foundation of relationship is trust and Commitment.  The response to trust is Commitment.  We must trust and Commit to get all the good things God has for us.  Some of the best things in life come through delayed gratification and God’s ways typically involve perseverance and “waiting upon the Lord”.  Commitment over time is truly the test of our hearts and demonstrate the degree of our love.


Being fully Committed is the only way we realize our full potential,Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding.  Acknowledge Him in all things and He will direct your path and keep them straight” Proverbs 3:5-6  According to this passage we only get the best things of God if we are fully Committed to Him.  As a child of God He has an awesome plan and assignment for each of us individually (Ephesians 2:10), which is our full potential in Christ.  We can only know and realize this potential if we are Committed to Him and making Him the highest priority “first fruits” in our lives.  We show our Commitment by how we live and pursue God.  Putting God first in our thoughts, conversations, actions, daily/weekly routines, finances is how we demonstrate our Commitment to Him.  This also demonstrates to others our love for God and we become a light for Christ in a dark and broken world.  “In this same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven”. Matthew 5:16


God is seeking out those who are fully Committed to Him to “strengthen them”.  I pray we will be fully Committed to the Lord today and each day and be strengthened; and experience the fruit that comes from walking in a fully Committed and submitted walk with Jesus.   “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act” Psalm 37:5

Have a great week…..


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Katie Burns Katie Burns

Word of the Week - Harmony

"How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity (Harmony)!!!  It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron’s beard, down on the collar of his robe.  It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion.  For there the Lord bestows His blessing, even life forevermore." Psalm 133

Harmony is the state of living with an agreeable and conforming spirit towards others with greater shared values and purpose in mind.  Similar to a “Willing Spirit” from last week’s “Word of the Week” see below, Harmony in relationship is such a blessing but is not easily achieved.  We all desire to live in a Harmonistic state with those around us but for some reason we often find ourselves in disharmony, especially with those closest to us.  I believe the key to living in Harmony with others is sharing and agreeing on core values and submitting ourselves to a higher purpose grounded in our core values/beliefs.  For me as a follower of Christ, this translates into submitting my life to Christ and standing on the God’s Word as a basis for a higher purpose.  I believe our human sinful nature makes us more geared toward independence and disharmony so a person without God will find themselves continually disagreeing, pushing their own agenda and creating discourse in relationship.  This is very prevalent in our culture today, where it seems to be more popular to look for things we don’t agree on and take issue with, then to look for common ground that we can stand on to build a base of Harmony to work from.  This approach is very divisive and creates much discourse and division in our world.  That being said, we all have the opportunity to live in peace and Harmony if we choose to do so. So how do we find Harmony with others when we have different perspectives and convictions?

Start with common ground – In most cases, if we are in relationship with someone, we already have lots of common ground, especially if they are friend or family and close to us.  Even in situations with colleagues at work and in other settings, we generally share basic values.  The key is to start with the things that you do share and work from there.  If we take time to explore what is important and really matters to each person then you build a base to stand on, which establishes shared values and Harmony.  In our business we spend lots of time discussing our shared values, vision, and purpose because it gives us connectivity that builds trust, strength and Harmony.  There are many things that we may see different as individuals, which if used correctly can be a strength, but it does not have to undermine the Harmony of the team.  We should always place the team/families shared values, vision and purpose above our own personal preferences.

Define the Majors and Minors – It is important to ensure that we don’t confuse values and principle with preferences.  Harmony is not uniformity, we all have different and unique personalities and methods of day to day living.  These preferences and techniques should not be confused with the principle and essence of what really matters.  Many times we get more focused on the how than the what and why.  It is important for us to keep perspective on the bigger perspective and be able to keep focus on what really matters, we don’t need to Major in the Minors.  As it relates to our faith, there are a few essentials that are the foundation of Christianity that cannot be compromised such as the Cross, Trinity, and the fact that Jesus is the only way to God the Father.  But there are many preferences that are not essential such as your denomination, style of worship, or the type of music played at church.

Be willing to yield and compromise – One of the keys to finding Harmony with others is humility and the willingness to yield and compromise.  If we have any self-awareness, we understand that we are flawed sinners, and all have issues and blind spots.  We also understand that there is power and protection in relationship and team; we are better together!  This should make us value others and their thoughts and opinions, especially when different from our own. From that perspective, we should approach relationships with a posture and willingness to yield and compromise when needed because it is much better to be unified in Harmony with some compromise than to be divided and right.  We don’t want to win a battle and lose the war.  We must always seek to do what is in the best interest of the greater purpose for our family, church, business etc.  This is the right thing to do and makes life much more productive, Harmonistic and enjoyable.  “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.  Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” Ephesians 4:2-3

Harmony is a choice to sacrifice our personal agenda for the greater good of the “team” whether that team is family, ministry, or organization.  Harmony generates peace and progress.  Whenever leaders come into Harmony and unity, those they are leading are also likely to follow.  So, let’s choose to pursue Harmony and see what God can do through our Harmonistic relationships.

We must learn to live together as brothers & sisters or perish as fools”  Dr. Martin Luther King

I pray you have a week filled with peace and Harmony!



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Katie Burns Katie Burns

Word of the Week - Willing Spirit

"Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me." Psalm 51:12

What is a Willing Spirit?  When it comes to our walk with the Lord, I believe a Willing Spirit means we have a posture of “yes”.  God is always leading us towards growth and maturity and for us to be able to receive what He has for us we must have a Willing Spirit, or we may not receive the best things that God has for us. 


Trusting God by His Word – By knowing the Lord and walking with Him, we grow in our trust and confidence in Him, which produces a more Willing Spirit .  Knowing that God loves us and has our best interest at heart gives us the reassurance we need to trust and be willing to say yes.  “Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, do not lean on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths and keep them straight” Proverbs 3:5-6


Renewing our Minds in God’s truth – The renewing of our minds through God’s word is key to maintaining a Willing Spirt.  We must stay grounded in the truth so that we can be transformed.  “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2


God alone is our source – Knowing that God is the source of all life, and everything we need comes from Him gives us a posture of dependance.  King David, a man after God’s own heart, knew that his posture towards the Lord was key to his blessing from the Lord.  A Willing Spirit positions our hearts and minds to receive what God has for us and to be open and willing vessels, with the “Yes Lord” on the inside.  David gives us the key to having a Willing Spirit in verses 10 and 11 leading up to verse 12.  To have a Willing Spirit we need a pure heart and the Holy Spirit leading us. “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me 11 Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.”  Psalm 51:10-11.  This shows David’s dependence upon the Lord and his deep desire for God’s presence in his life, knowing he could not even trust his own motives but needed God’s spirit to lead and guide Him.


A Willing Spirit sustains us – God promises us that if we keep a Willing Spirit, He will be there for us.  “If you seek me you will find me if you seek me with all of your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13  Jesus also promises us that “if we abide in Him He will abide in us and we will bear much fruit but apart from Him we can do nothing.” John 15:5  

I pray that we would have a Willing Spirt toward God so we can receive all that God has for us; for He has great things in store for each of us.  Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Have a great “yes Lord” week!!!


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Katie Burns Katie Burns

Word of the Week - Kindness

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” - Ephesians 4:32

Kindness is defined as the quality or state of being friendly, gentle, caring, and considerate.  I personally value these attributes of Kindness and desire to live these out in my day-to-day life but often fall short.  In my own self-evaluation, I find that other priorities and personality characteristics such as desiring to be straight forward and efficient often undermine my Kindness.  It is much more difficult to be Kind when you are moving fast.  Kindness is slowing down enough to notice and care about the needs of those around us. 

God’s Kindness is truly amazing and a wonderful model for us to understand the true definition and essence of Kindness. Divine Kindness - God’s kindness is demonstrated throughout His Word and the life of Christ.  It manifest in what is referred to as “common grace” in that God is inherently Kind to all (psalm 145:9), even when we His sons and daughters are ungrateful and disobedient He still shows us Kindness.  “Yet while we were sinners Christ died for us” Romans 5:8.  “For it is the Kindness of the Lord that leads us to repentance” Romans 2:4 Even while Jesus was on the cross He was showing Kindness by forgiving the very soldiers that were crucifying Him when He said “Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing” Luke 23:34.  Then he turned to the criminal next to Him and invited Him to be forgiven and told him “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise”. Matt 27:44

Kindness aims to do good in a way that is gentle and mild, in a way that is sensitive to the needs of others.  It is never harsh.  I am learning that Kindness goes beyond our intent; it is working to understand the other persons perspective, so they can receive the intended blessing in a manner that builds goodwill.  In other words it is as much about our delivery as it is our intention.  I find this very challenging because it implies we are responsible at some level for how people feel when dealing with us.  It is not simply having good and pure intent but how you deliver the message.  As much as I love the Kindness of the Lord, many times I can overlook this value in life and not give it the priority it deserves.   I know I have been guilty of this and I am working and praying to overcome.  Kindness is a key to healthy relationship and the true purpose of the Christian life is having healthy relationship with God and others. 

So,what can we do to be more Kind?

  • Notice the needs of those around us – Love begins by seeing the needs of those around us.  People are wounded and we need to be willing to see their woundedness and have empathy.   Hurry is the death of kindness.  The more we slow down the more we will notice the needs of others. “No one should seek their own good, but the good of others”. 1 Corinthians 10:24

  • Be sympathetic to the pain of others – Feel the pain and emotion of what others are going through by really listening to them.  Stop asking why they are that way and ask what happened to them.  Understand their story and what they have experienced. “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ”.  Galatians 6:2

  • Seize the moment and do not delay – There is no better time than the present to engage in acts of Kindness.  Don’t wait to show Kindness make it your highest priority from day to day.  Why put off until later what you can do now.  There is much fruit to bare.

  • Be willing to invest and spend whatever it takes – Being Kind and caring towards others can be costly because it is so personal.  It will likely cost us time, money, and energy but it is well worth it.  God values people more than anything and there is a high return when we invest in others by showing godly Kindness.

In summary, Kindness is love in action.  It is having pure motives grounded in love and slowing down enough to communicate in a caring and considerate manner.  Just like most of God’s truths, showing Kindness to others will not only make life more pleasant, but it will win favor with God and others and allow for more blessing in our lives. 

Lord, I pray that you would give us the capacity to know and experience your loving Kindness so we can extend the same to others.  To all people, even to those we may see as not friendly to us.  As followers of Christ, we are called to show loving Kindness to all!

Have a great week!


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Katie Burns Katie Burns

Word of the Week - Reputation

“A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.” Proverbs 22:1

Reputation defined is the general belief or opinion that people have about a person, entity or organization as it relates to name, character, stature, status.

Good name in the verse above is referring to reputation or standing.  In ancient Israel, a person’s name was intricately linked with their reputation and standing in the community.  A good name and reputation is most valuable in this life, and should be desirous for all but especially for those who consider themselves disciples of Jesus.  We are not just representing ourselves, but also representing our “Good Lord” as His followers.  A good name and reputation can take years or even decades to build but can be destroyed in an instant.   

Building a Good Name – Our name and reputation are typically built over time through our interactions with others.  Our reputation is normally associated with our character.  Do we do what we say we will do and operate with integrity?  Do we treat people in an honorable and respectful manner?  Are we fair and reasonable towards others?  Do we have a heart of gratitude and generosity towards others?  Are we givers or takers; is our mode of operation to extract value from others or add value to others?  Do we care about others and how our actions affect them?  How do we make people feel, do we build them up or tear them down?  These characteristics build up over time to form our reputation as a person and as a collective group. 

Having a good name and honorable reputation is the result of developing inner character and living uprightly over time.  Living with integrity builds a respectable reputation.  Abiding in Christ and following and obeying God’s Word is not only pleasing to God but will lead to building a good name.  If we focus on our relationship with Jesus and have a healthy fear of the Lord, then our lives will bear fruit, and we will earn favor with God and others. “How blessed is the man who fears the Lord, Who greatly delights in His commandments.” Proverbs 112:11. God’s ways are higher and better than our ways.  Living to please God and always striving to keep a clear conscience before God and people will lead to a good name.  “So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man.” Acts 24:16 

Loving God and others is the key – The greatest commandment of all is “To love God with all your heart, soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself.”  Matthew 22:37-39 The second part of the great commandment has been translated into the “The Golden Rule”, to treat others as you would like to be treated.  This is a simple concept; but can be hard to live out day to day in our broken and sinful world, especially in the times we are living in where there is such a division of values in our culture.  If we are to live with integrity to God’s values (His commandments), we will surely offend people who are opposed to these values.  So, what do we do?  We lead with a spirit of love.  This is what Jesus did.  He always led with love, simply caring for people no matter their view or reputation.  He spoke the truth in love and with care.  1 Corinthians 13 is called the Love chapter in the bible as it defines love from God’s perspective. “Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always projects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-7  

Even though God has set the bar very high, as people of faith we can never go wrong by leading with love and doing our best to live out the great commandment and “Golden Rule”!  God promises us that if we live this way, we will build a good name and reputation before God and others.  I also believe this works in most aspects of life, especially business.  If you and your team treat people well and with integrity, then you will build a good name and reputation; and over the course of time, you and your business will be blessed.  This is the simple but powerful principle of sowing and reaping and it works.

“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.  Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man” Proverbs 3:3-4

Have a great week,


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