Word of the Week - Good Name

“A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver and gold” Proverbs 22:1

What is Reputation?  By definition it is the overall quality or character of a person as seen or judged by people in general; recognition by other people of some characteristic or ability; a perception of public esteem or regard; good or bad name. Our personal reputation is what is implied when people hear our name mentioned.  What do they immediately think about us?  In the context of a “Good name” it speaks to your integrity and character from a moral and ethical standpoint.  Essentially it is what you are all about; the essence of who you are from an outside perspective.  The same is true for organizations such as businesses, schools/colleges and ministries. 

The Value of a Good Name – Our reputation is most valuable because it becomes the premise for our interactions with others.  Our reputation precedes us.  This means people have heard things about us before they actually meet us, and typically have formed some type of opinion about us.  It may be positive, or it could be negative.  Our reputations can be influenced in many ways and sometimes it may be unfairly influenced by hearsay, gossip, and rumors, that are not accurate.  I am sure we have all experienced situations where we had a certain view about someone by reputation then when we met them and got to know them, we experienced something different then what we heard or thought.  The bottom line is that our interactions and all we do and say over time, our track record, builds our reputation.  Some people inherit a good name from their parents or grandparents, and thus have the privilege and responsibility to uphold their family name and reputation.  Most others build a good name by reputation over the course of time.  It can take a lifetime to build a good reputation and it can take just a few bad decisions or mishaps to undermine a good name.   “It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation and only one bad deed to lose it”  Benjamin Franklin

Our identity and reputation in Christ – When we are born of the spirit of God, we are transformed into a new creation in Christ and our identity is planted in Christ.  We still have issues and a sin nature, but our hearts are made new.  As we pursue our relationship with Jesus through abiding in Him daily John 15:5, God’s values become our values and our lives begin to look different as we are sanctified and bear the fruit of God’s spirit.  We recognize that we are living for something much bigger.  We are not just representing ourselves and our family’s name, which is important and meaningful in its own right, but we are representing Jesus and our heavenly family, His Church.  In joining God’s family, we are held to a much higher standard as professing believers, especially as leaders.  The stakes are much higher because our “reputation” can influence people towards are away from faith and how they see and know us really matters.  “Keep your behavior excellent among gentiles, so that in the thing in which they slander you as evildoers, they may because of your good deeds, as they observe them, glorify God in the day of visitation”. 1 Peter 2:12 This can be a bit overwhelming, especially to new and young believers and rightly so.  If we try to do it in our own strength it is very challenging, but if we pursue the Lord daily and depend upon Him through daily abiding, He gives us what we need to walk in His light.  He continues to do His good work inside each of us to produce good fruit in us and through us.  Over time our lives become an overflow of what God is doing inside of us, which leads to a godly life and Good name/reputation.

Image vs Reputation – A good name is of great value, and we should live with this top of mind as we walk out our day to day lives and interactions.  That being said, God’s word tells us that we must check our motives.  “Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them.  If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven”.  Matthew 6:1 Are we focused on an audience of one?  Are we motivated by our love and desire to please the Lord our God?  Or, are we motivated to please others “man” and keep a good image.  This is a question we need to be asking ourselves often, especially in today’s world of social media where so many measure success by how many “likes” they can get from others.  This is always a temptation for us as we all desire to be liked and win favor with others.  Our reputation should be built on the foundation of our true character, who we really are on the inside.  What we do when no one is watching.  If we are building our reputation by managing our image through impressions and perceptions, we may be building our Good name on a poor foundation, sandy soil.  We should care about our image, but not build our reputation from it.  As believers, our reputation should first be built on a foundation in Christ.  His values should be our values.  Secondly, it is built on who we are and how we live; simple principles like honesty, integrity and dependability.  Like coach John Wooden said “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” Being true to God first and then to yourself is key to building a Good Name that is true and authentic.  “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” Matthew 5:16  This should be our motivation, to have our lives glorify the Lord.

Be encouraged and have a great week!!!!



Word of the Week - Serenity


Word of the Week - Contentment