Word of the Week - Testimony (God Story)

“They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.” Rev. 12:11

Testimony" is translated from the Greek word martyria, which means "evidence." But not just any evidence. To put it simply, your Testimony is your God story, which includes the pain you've been through on the way to where you are today.  Every believer has a Testimony and even though they can be very different from person to person, they all matter and should be used to testify to what God has done in our lives. 

Power of our Testimony – It is quite profound what God outlines in Revelations 12:1 for victory in life, the blood of Christ through the Cross and the word of our Testimony.  I love hearing personal Testimonies/stories because it renews and reinforces my faith and allows me to get to know the person sharing their testimony at a deeper level.  Sharing a personal Testimony typically gives you a look into the heart of a person and how God is working in their lives.  No matter how dramatic or simple an authentic Testimony it is always impactful because God is the star of the story.  Of course, most of us tend to think that our Testimony/story is not as exciting or interesting as others so we shy away from sharing it; or we may be sensitive to being politically correct and concerned that we may offend others by sharing our God story. This is a lie and plays right into the enemies plan, to keep us quiet and ineffective.  The bottom line is that God has anointed every believer with a personal Testimony and we should look for every opportunity to tell people our God story. “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.  Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have.  But do this with gentleness and respect.”  1 Peter 3:15

Sharing our God Story – As followers of Christ, we are called to share our Testimony with others.  We are not necessarily called to convert people, that is really left up to God and the Holy Spirit.  Our part is to simply look for opportunities to share our God story with others in a loving and respectful way as noted in 1 Peter 3:15. It important to be authentic, humble and God honoring.  I can assure you that this pleases our Father in heaven and plants seeds of faith that will be harvested at the right time.  It is not our responsibility to get people saved but it is our privilege and opportunity to share what God has done for us in our lives.

The elements of a good Testimony/God Story – The primary objective of your Testimony is a clear presentation of your faith and what led you to faith in 3 basic pieces:

  1. Before I knew Christ – What my life was like before I accepted Christ.  Use an attention getting first sentence.  Describe it in a way that communicates well to non-believers (don’t use religious terminology). What did my life revolve around? What did I get my security and happiness from?  How did those things let me down and come up empty?

  2. How I came to know Christ and receive faith – How and when did I realize that I had an issue of sin in my life?  How did I hear the good news in a way I could receive it?  What compelled me to faith?  What happened when I made a decision of faith?

  3. After I received Christ – What are the specific things that have changed in my life such as attitudes, actions, and relationships, since I became a Christ follower.  Try to include personal and relatable illustrations and examples such as how it impacted your marriage, family, and/or business. Share how understanding God’s grace and forgiveness impacted your perspective on your life and others.  Why I am motivated differently.  How my faith has served me in every area of my life and the encouraging journey you have been on through the ups and downs of life and why it matters.

We benefit from sharing our Testimony - Whether you are a pastor, student, business person or laborer there is tremendous power in your testimony and when you share it with others it not only blesses the Lord and others but it has many benefits to you such as: 1) Connecting you in a deeper relationship with others, 2) reminding you of your past and keeping you aware of where you came from and accountable to not falling back into the sins of the past, and 3) building our faith and giving us hope for the future.  We are reminded of how much God personally loves us and what He has done to demonstrate His love.  This is a beneficial and encouraging process. 

“Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began, and which now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel, for which I was appointed a preacher and apostle and teacher, which is why I suffer as I do. But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that Day what has been entrusted to me” 2 Timothy 1:8-12

I plan to share my testimony next week along with how our God story can be integrated into our life story and influence every area of our lives including business.

Have a great week!!!!



Word of the Week - Testimony (God Story) - Part 2


Word of the Week - Marriage