Word of the Week - Renewing our minds to be transformed (Old beliefs vs. New Beliefs)
“Do not conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”. Romans 12:2
As I have walked through a season of pruning and maturing in all areas of my life, I have been reminded that even though we are a new creation in Christ, we must continue to renew our minds so we can continue being transformed into the image of Christ. I also realize that remnants of our old nature and identity remain in our soul and body. It all starts in our mind as we buy into false beliefs even though we know the truth of God’s word. As followers of Christ, we have a new “power source” – Christ living within us. However, some of the old automatic feelings and responses remain. The battle, which is being fought in the mind, is ours to win or lose according to the choices we make. Bringing this to the forefront equips us to fight the good fight and win the battle in the mind. Even though it is a bit deep, I wanted to share some of what I am learning and practicing from a new spiritual mentor and a workbook I am studying titled “Old Beliefs vs. New Beliefs (Be transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind)” by Anne Trippe.
The Problem: Since the fall of Adam, our human nature is that of sin. Everyone inherited sin and spiritual death from the fall. “For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God” Romans 3:23 This death through sin is simply separation from connection and fellowship with God. Although our natural man’s spirit is dead to God, it is very alive to sin and the power that drives our independence from God. As a result, we are born empty and needy; therefore, it is our nature to try to regain what was lost; to have our needs met and be “filled” so we can find the basic human needs of love, contentment, security and a sense of value. Before the new birth and being made alive in Christ, we think we are alive, be we are truly striving in our will and emotions to regain what was lost and become whole and healthy, but we are not equipped without our spirit coming alive.
Patterns: Unfortunately, in our fallen nature and while under the power of sin before we know the truth, we look to those around us (family, friends and our culture) the ways of this world (possessions, power and prestige) to try to fill the void. In doing this we develop false beliefs about how we can manage and live emotionally, fill our emptiness and find acceptance. We bring into our our daily situations and relationships both conscious and unconscious beliefs about how we should approach life to satisfy our emotional and spiritual insufficiency. Behaviors such as control, performance-based acceptance, insecurity, self-reliance etc. Over time these beliefs are reinforced in our minds and basically hardwired into our beliefs and thought patterns. Our neuropathways continue to be reinforced with patterns of lies and bad thinking. Even St. Paul struggled with this battle. “We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do. But what I hate, I do.” Romans 7:14-15
The Solution: The Word of God tells those of us who have been born again in the spirit and become new creations that all of our needs are supplied by Christ. But for many, this may not be our experience. However, because of our new birth, we have been empowered by God’s Spirit and are able to choose to focus on Truth and change our false mindset about how our needs are to be met. As a result, our old ineffective patterns of trying to find peace and fulfillment can be changed. Romans 12:2 refers to this change as being transformed by the “renewing of our mind”. As Christ followers born anew in the spirit, our transformation does not happen by behavior modification, it happens by learning to walk in the spirit rather than in the flesh allowing Christ’s life to be lived out through us. “Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the spirit desires” Romans 8:5 It is a daily process of setting our minds on the things of the spirit.
Renewing our Mind: As believers, we must continue to renew our minds in the Truth of God’s word and promises. As we face life’s situations and difficulties, we can identify our old beliefs and replace them with God’s Truth. For example, instead of believing that I must be strong and independent to survive, which is old false belief I have subscribed to throughout my life, we replace this lie with God’s truth that “Christ’s strength is made perfect in my weakness” 2 Corinthians 12:9. We can learn to receive the trials we are facing as God’s instrument to break our hold on old patterns of thinking and behaving. This involves our humbling ourselves in order to surrender our fleshly life to find God’s divine life. This is when we find freedom from our striving and our fears. When this happens, we can begin to experience contentment, peace, joy and righteousness of Christ as we live life and relate in a more healthy way with others. We become more secure in our relationship with Christ. This is transformational!!
I pray that we make a choice each day to submit our minds and hearts to Christ so we can be renewed and transformed by the power of Christ living within us so we live as overcomers. “I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives within me” Galatians 2:20
Have a great week!!!