Word of the Week - Sabbath

Jesus said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. "So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.” Mark 2:27-28

I am on spring break vacation with my family enjoying some R&R and was reminded how God blesses and speaks to us in Sabbath Rest as we slow down and get space away from our day to day work. 

The principal of Sabbath seems to be misunderstood by most.  As the 4th of the10 great commandments, many of us associate it with the old covenant and see it as a constraining and legalistic religious tradition from Jewish custom.  Or, we simply believe it is a day to attend church, which should be a major part of our Sabbath. The truth, as stated in Mark 2:27 above is that Jesus gave us the Sabbath for our own good and health.  

The Sabbath is for our us and our health - Since He actually designed and created mankind, He understands what is best for us and desires only the best for His sons and daughters.  In Exodus 20:8-11 God makes a clear connection to the Sabbath day by modeling it for us in the Creation story “on the seventh day God the Creator rested”.  Sabbath observance therefore involves the affirmation that God is Creator and Sustainer of the world.  If God took a day of each week to rest surely we would benefit from doing the same.   

Observing Sabbath is an act of Faith – It seems pretty simple, if we really Trust God for who He is we will Trust that He is our provider and we can rest in Him.  He makes it clear that we are here on earth to glorify Him and serve others through our work and being productive, adding value to this world.  We should work heartily at all we do with passion and vigor.  “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters”, Colossians 3:23. But God is so amazing and good that He did not create us to be production machines; He created us for soulful fellowship with Him and His creation. He truly desires us to be healthy and enjoy the blessings of life.  Since He is our Maker, He knows we need time away from the day to day grind of life to recharge and be refreshed spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally, even if we love our work.  

Sabbath is beginning the week with faith, trust and rest so we can start our week rested and refreshed - We all need space between us and our work or else we run the risk of burnout, not to mention the fact that we are more productive and creative when we take time away to recreate and recharge. This is the principal and gift of Sabbath.  To cease from our work to simply rest in knowing God   To honor God by putting our faith in action by demonstrating we trust God and desire to set apart one day a week, typically the first day, to refocus your energy and attention on Him and those closest to us.  Most Christians who observe the Sabbath on Sunday because that is the day they are off of work but the Sabbath is not necessarily a specific day of the week.  For some like pastors who have to work on Sunday, they make other days of the week their Sabbath.  

Personal Testimony - For years it was very hard for me to do this but over that last 10 plus years I have made it a priority in my life each week.  I begin my Sabbath at 5:30pm on Saturday and end it at 5:30pm on Sunday.  I found that it is important for me to spend some time on Sunday evenings preparing for the week, so I have adjusted my weekend to ensure I get a full 24 hours of true rest/time away from work.  Since I love being productive this is not always easy for me, but it has been a blessing to my life and my family.  I literally try not to think about my work/business during this time and surely don’t engage in emails or correspondence unless it is an emergency.  You would not believe how much God has blessed me over the past 10 plus years.  My life health meter is running at the highest level ever and I believe it is largely due to the principal of Sabbath (margin).   

If you are not already doing so, I encourage you to take one 24 hour day of your week and make it your Sabbath by not engaging in your day to day work/job.  Instead of working spend your time fellowshipping with the Lord, your family and other believers (Church and more) enjoying praise and worship, prayer, bible reading and just hanging out with family.  Enjoy great meals with family.  Take a long walk with your wife or some one on one time with your son, daughter or good friend.  Spend time doing things that refresh you and bring energy.  

Try it an see how God blesses you by simply trusting Him and His ways.  His ways are not our ways but He knows what is best for us.

Have a great week!!!  



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