Word of the Week - First Fruits

Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the First fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine. Proverbs 3:9-10

I love the principle of First Fruits because it is so clear and easy to understand.  There are many things about God and our walk of faith that are mystical, and at times, hard for us to understand.  The principal of First Fruits is very straightforward, God simply wants to be the priority in our lives and He wants us to honor Him by giving Him our First and best.  He loves us so much that He is jealous for our love and attention and does not want to compete for the top position in our lives.  He will not take second position.  This concept is emphasized throughout scripture beginning with the 1st Commandment that states “You shall have no other gods before me”, He simply wants us to put Him First above all things.  With divine order comes diving blessing, this is God’s economy.  He is our Creator and the God of the universe, He deserves and desires to be revered and honored for who He really is and the authority and power He possesses.  I love this principal because it is a tangible way to love and honor the Lord.  This principal not only pertains to our money/resources but to every aspect of our lives, He desires the first of our time, our thoughts, and our pursuits.  He wants to be the first in our day, week, month and year.  For God, order is the priority over quality and quantity.  There is amazing power, both blessings and protection, in the simple daily act of placing God First.  As we begin 2022, I encourage you to test the Lord in the principal of First Fruits.  Put the Lord First and watch your time and resources multiply and overflow.  Seek “First” the Kingdom and His righteousness and all things will be added unto you. 

I pray God’s blessings over you, your family and your business in 2022. 

Happy New Year!!!!!



Word of the Week - Affirmation


Word of the Week - The Perfect Gift