Word of the Week - Courage - John Michael Pierce

Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

My dear friend John Michael Pierce (F3 Woody) passed away on Wednesday, November 17th after a short battle with cancer.  He had just turned 25, way too young.  He was diagnosed with stage 4 Esophageal cancer on July 1st after having issues swallowing.  When I heard the news I had a hard time believing it, because Woody was such a picture of life and health.  In fact, I got to know Woody doing F3 workouts during the early days of COVID and quickly fell in love with this young man and his contagious smile and delightful personality.  He was truly a special human being. Watch this short video that was shot a few weeks ago to get a glimpse of this young man’s heart and impact https://vimeo.com/642502556/3d80e63fc8.

When Woody found out about his diagnosis, he turned to his faith in God and began to pray for God’s strength.  The Lord gave him the verse Joshua 1:9 above, and he began to share this with friends and family as his guiding verse.  Many stood with Woody in faith over the past 4 months watching him live life in a remarkable manner.  He had the most positive and encouraging attitude and was determined to use his situation as a way to minister and encourage others.  He truly impacted so many people in such a huge way in such a short amount of time.  God used him in an amazing way.

Even though I only knew him for a relatively short amount of time, his life and death had a tremendous impact on me, my family, and so many.  He and his family demonstrated courage at a level that I have never witnessed in such a tough situation.  He is a hero of the faith in my eyes, because he walked the walk in the toughest of times.  

So how did he do it?  I believe he was emboldened by choosing to trust God and walk by faith because:

  • Woody had an eternal perspective  - “For to me, to live is Christ to Die is gain” Philippians 1:21  Woody lived with fullness of life each and every day in the face of death on this earth because he know that this life is temporary and the life to come is eternal.    
  • Woody was walking very closely with God – “He who dwells in the shelter of the most Most High will rest in the shadow of the almighty.  He will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust”.  Psalm 91:1 Woody was walking each day in the presence of the almighty, so he knew God was with him and he had the peace of God in him.  

I don’t understand why God allows these type of things to happen to great people like Woody, but I choose to trust that God’s plan is perfect even when it does not make sense to me.  Woody’s sister Michelle, who he was very close to, shared at the service on Saturday that Woody’s short life of 25 years had more impact than most who live to old age, so his life was just what God had planned and their family was grateful for the 25 years they had with Woody.

Thank you Woody for showing us what godly Courage really looks like in the face of the toughest of circumstances.  You will be greatly missed but your godly legacy remains. 

We love you Woody!!!!!!!



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Word of the Week - Benefits