Word of the Week - Accountability
“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another”. Proverbs 27:17
Accountability defined- the quality or state of being accountable: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for ones actions: taking ownership or responsibility for ones actions especially as it relates to greater good of the whole (organization, family, team).
Accountability is Powerful – Depending on our mindset and experience, it can be a guiding force that drives us to do our best work and live to our full potential, or something that is seen in a negative light that is pushing us to do things we prefer not to do. By gaining a healthy perspective on Accountability and the factors that make it useful and positive, we can gain a healthy mindset towards Accountability, and use it to help us become all that God has called us to be while we help others do the same. It has the potential to become an overwhelmingly positive force within our personal lives, families and organizational cultures. “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
The Typical Mindset toward Accountability – I think we would all agree that Accountability is key to success in most areas of life to include our personal/family, ministry and workplace. It has been proven that results and Accountability are highly correlated. So why do most of us feel negative towards the word and try to avoid it where we can. For many of us the meaning of Accountability is charged with negative connotations, stress and even fear! The reason is that we’re accustomed to associating the term with disciplinary measures when something goes wrong and blame is directed towards us. If you have ever lived or worked in an environment that is routinely plagued with missed deadlines, broken promises with teammates ignoring the rules and failing to live up to their commitments you understand the outcomes of a lack of Accountability. This typically a result of poor leadership where cultures lack trust, clarity, transparency and psychological safety, which leads to lack of Accountability. This also leads to dysfunction that can really hinder the health and growth of a person, organization or family. We must gain clarity and truth about Accountability and make sure it is healthy and beneficial. “For God does not give a spirit of fear and timidity but of love, power and self-discipline” 2 Timothy 1:7
Redefining Accountability – The truth is that people and teams thrive and succeed in all areas of life in cultures of healthy Accountability. It fosters better relationships, creates healthy environments and eliminates anxiety and stress not knowing where you stand. But it may not be for everyone as some people decide they would rather go it alone and be individualistic. When you get right down to it, it is simply the willingness to accept ownership and responsibility for our own actions. It is best if we embrace Accountability and see it as a friendly force that will: 1) Help us achieve our personal goals and objectives, 2) Protect us from things that can sabotage our lives and hinder growth, 3) Help us become healthy, productive, more self-aware and well respected teammates, and
4) Allow us to reach our highest God-given potential in all areas of life. In fact I would go as far as to say that without meaningful levels of Accountability in life we are destined to live well below our potential. “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near”. Hebrews 10:24-25
Keys to foster Healthy Accountability – Just like most things, it starts with the leader. Whether it is parenting your children or leading an major corporation, we reproduce ourselves and the environments we create by our actions. Leaders must walk the talk by having healthy Accountability in their lives. “Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant” Matthew 20:26
The key elements to promoting healthy accountability include:
- Clarity – being clear on what we expect from ourselves and others and communicating the expectations in a way that they can be clearly tracked, measured and discussed frequently to minimize confusion or misunderstanding. Make sure there is also clarity on calendar/time and deadlines.
- Trust and Transparency – We must have a culture of trust and integrity to have healthy Accountability. Make sure that the right people have access to the feedback and information they need to know where they stand. Peer Accountability is most powerful but it is only effective if we have the insight into what is going on so we are equipped to adjust and provide accurate and timely feedback.
- Vision & Purpose – If we understand the “why” of our teams and organizations it is much easier to take ownership and desire to want to give ourselves fully to the team and be willing to suffer and sacrifice for the great good.
- Grace and Psychological Safety – We must believe that we have each other’s best interest at heart and it is ok to make honest mistakes. This gives us room to step out and grow knowing that we will have the support of our teammates, which motivates us to embrace Accountability to realize the benefits of the team. “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you” Ephesians 4:32
In my own life I have experienced some of my most meaningful growth, development and break throughs by the power of healthy Accountability in the way of friends/peers, mentors, mentees, business partners, boards of advisors, employees, children, spouse, small groups, paid coaches, counselors and consultants etc. I desire to embrace Accountability and transparency in my life as a friendly force of protection that is allowing me to grow to my full potential in Christ.
Have a great week,