Word of the Week - Security

This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence (Security) on the day of judgement: In this world we are like Jesus.  There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.  For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.  We love because He first loved us. 1 John 4:17-19

Security is defined as the state of being safe and free from danger or threats.  This is one of our greatest needs as human beings to maintain health; we have a deep desire to feel physically safe and secure, which is why I am so grateful for law enforcement workers who work to keep law and order within our communities and for our military service men and women who risk their lives to keep us safe from domestic and foreign threats.  I hope we all make an effort to show our appreciation for these people who serve us so faithfully.  Physical safety is very important but having emotional and relational Security is paramount to our health and ability to thrive in this world.  Since we live in a fallen and broken sin filled world, it is very hard to find the degree of relational security we need and desire without God.  As much as we desire to receive this type of love from family and friends, it is typically not achievable in its fullness due to the reality of our humanity.  That being said, we surely experience degrees of love and security through our relationships with others when we have relationships with people who love us and accept us completely, which makes us feel safe and secure.  Every relationship is unique, but healthy relationships are generally based on trust, loyalty and commitment and allow us to be ourselves and still feel loved and accepted.  The greatest security we can ever experience is that of true unconditional love, which is not based on our performance or a condition.  This is love at the deepest level and we all desire and need this love and “God demonstrates His own love for us in this; While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (me and you)” Romans 5:8Importance of Security to living healthy lives.  We all know instinctively how important it is to our health and development to find Security through love and acceptance, especially for children and teens as they are developing.  Fostering health and Security through encouragement and affirming words, good will and unconditional love reassures us that we are loved and protected.  When we experience love in this way we are able to be more transparent, which serves to deepen our relationships and allows us to develop, grow and thrive.  On the other hand, we all have an enemy of our soul that is constantly trying to undermine and threaten our Security to make us feel unworthy, insecure and less than as we search to find our identity and compare ourselves to those around us.  As social beings we typically care too much about what others think about us.  We live in a world that constantly bombards us through media with messaging that undermines our Security and tries to make us feel insecure. “Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the Lord means safety” Proverbs 29:25.  Even those of us who are fortunate enough to have grown up in more healthy, loving and secure environments will experience vulnerabilities that create insecurity.  I grew up in a wonderful home where I knew deep down that my parents loved me unconditionally, in hindsight I realize that I struggled with insecurity issues throughout my teen and early adult years.  Much of my insecurity was founded in my uncertainty about who I really was and my true place and purpose as a young man trying to find my way.  Like most of us, I had an identity crisis. By the grace of God, this crisis was substantially resolved when I surrendered my life to Christ at the age of 33 and life has never been the same since. “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he/she is a new creation: The old has gone and the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17Security in Christ is powerful and life changing.  No matter how Secure or insecure we may feel in our human relationships, nothing can compare to the Security that is found in Christ when we truly receive His love in fullness and experience being born of His spirit.  I will never forget how profound it was for me when I experienced and accepted the full love of Christ and became alive in the spirit and my faith became real, alive and powerful. For the first time in my life I felt fully accepted for who I was in Christ who created me and truly loved me and was pleased with me as His son.  By the way, God does not make anyone that is not worthy; He is our creator and we are made in His image.  Up until that point I never felt like I could do enough or be good enough to be worthy of the unconditional love of God.  I had a skewed perspective that had me convinced that God could only love and accept me if I performed a certain way or became more religious.  This is not true, God’s word tells us that “We are saved by grace, through faith – and it is not from ourselves, it is a gift from God – not by works, so that no one can boast” Ephesians 2:8-9  This is truly the good news of the gospel that brings amazing Security, if we truly believe on Him and surrender our lives to Him as our Lord, we will experience the miracle of being born anew and receiving this amazing gift of eternal salvation.  This radically changes our perspective and gives us an eternal Security in Christ Jesus that makes us new and different.Our Security in Christ gives us confidence to trust God and remain connected to Him, even when life is difficult.  In our abiding Secure relationship with Christ, God gives us everything we need to live godly and Secure lives.  Even though we still experience trouble and challenges in this life, we are overcomers through Him “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace (Security).  In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33  If we are Secure in Christ, God uses the difficulties of life to help refine us as we grow to become more Christ-like, this is the process of sanctification.  God promises us that He will always be with us as we walk through the difficulties of life.  “Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you: He will never leave or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 3:16God deeply desires for us find our identity and Security through Him so we can live emboldened and courageous lives to be all that God has called us to be in Him.  Without this profound truth we are handicapped.  My friend Coach Tom Mullins Coach Mullins, who I got to hang out with this past week down in the marshes of South Louisiana at Beau Blake’s Island, shared an encouraging word with our Legendary Leaders Group Legendary Leaders .  The following is a quote that summarizes the essence of his powerful word.“We cannot be who we need to be in this world until we are Secure in who we are in God’s Love

Coach Tom Mullen

I hope you have a great week and truly find yourself encouraged and Secure in the love of God.-Duane


Word of the Week - Christmas (the true meaning of this day/season)


Word of the Week - Resilience