Word of the Week - Graciousness
“Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Colossians 4:6
Solomon taught that wise men speak graciously, but fools destroy themselves with their words (Ec 10:12). While he attached the critical adjective “odious” to women, he attached “froward” to men. A froward man is difficult, harsh, obnoxious, perverse, and unreasonable; he is the opposite of gracious. Kings delight in righteous speech (Pr 16:13), for they want counselors and ambassadors that advise and represent them well. Solomon highly praised pleasant words. Graciousness begins with a pure heart. Bitterness, envy, or strife in the heart is from the enemy of our soul, and leads to all sort of confusion and evil (James 3:14-16). A man’s speech reflects his heart (Luke 6:45), so you must keep your heart with all diligence (Pr 4:23). If your heart is cheerful, contented, forgiving, kind, and thankful, you will think gracious thoughts. We must reject all sinful thoughts of bitterness, envy, evil surmising, malice, or revenge. A pure heart produces gracious speech. Paul said, “Let your speech be always seasoned with grace” (Col 4:6). Graciousness is wonderful character trait. A gracious person is often described as a beautiful or charming person. Whether man or woman, graciousness makes a person delightful, pleasant, and winning. It is a rare and sweet pleasure to meet one. And this trait is most clearly shown by excellent speech. You will meet very few in life; they will have great reputations; they will warm your soul; and you will crave their company. Lord create in me a pure heart and renew in me a steadfast spirit so I can have a full portion of your graciousness to dispense from my inmost being.This seemed to be a timely word given all that is going on in our world. Simple but powerful.Have a great week.-Duane