Word of the Week - Sacrifice
“We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren” 1 John 3:16
On this Memorial Day as we remember the nearly 1.2 million men and women who have made the ultimate Sacrifice by giving their lives in service of our country, I am reminded of the sobering reality of the true price of freedom, and how fortunate we are to live in the land of the free because of the price others paid for our freedom. I am very grateful and humbled by this amazing reality. In the same frame, I am even more grateful for the fact that God freely chose to come down to earth in the flesh as Jesus the Messiah and was crucified for our sins, so we can have eternal freedom (salvation) and live with God forever. “For it is for Freedom that Christ set us free” Galatians 5:1 Let us Remember who God is and what He has done for us (see below Jesus on the Cross). Lord I pray that we would understand the reality of what you have done for us and never forget the suffering you endured for our benefit. Let us receive the fullness of your love and Sacrifice. -Duane